Chapter 35

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"I just wanted to let you know, I am so proud of the woman you've become

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"I just wanted to let you know, I am so proud of the woman you've become. I love you so much and I hope you know your dad would've been so proud to see what you've blossomed into." My mom said to me and rests her hand on my little baby bump. "I love you guys too." She bent down to kiss my stomach.

I smiled at my mom and gave her a big hug. Today is my wedding day and my nerves were getting the best of me. Of course my mom realized and tried to help me feel a little more calm.

"It's almost time sweetheart." My mom said and I nodded.

"You look extremely beautiful Yas," Kaia smiles at me. I mouthed to her a thank you.

I walked up to the mirror and looked at my reflection. I was wearing a white mermaid wedding dress and my hair was pulled into a nice bun with tiny butterfly clips decorating the front. My veil was on and my makeup was done to perfection. I was extremely grateful for everyone who helped me get ready today. I looked like a dream.

"Okay it's time." The coordinator informed us.

Kaia handed me the bouquet and we walked out and got in position. Everyone walked out one by one. When it was my turn, I stepped out and everyone stood and turned their attention towards me. However, my attention was on the man standing at the alter.

Once ours eyes met, it felt like we were the only people in the room. I saw him blink a few times and when I got closer I realized he was tearing up. I couldn't help my own tears that made their way to my face. I tried to blink them away but they were persistent. When I finally reached the alter I handed the bouquet over to Kaia. Her and Macy looked extremely beautiful in their bridesmaids dress and I couldn't thank them enough for helping out as much as they did.

I turned to Gio and smiled at him. He looks so handsome in his burgundy suit. I reached up and wiped the tears off his face.

"Hi." I said to him.

"Hi." He smiled at me.

The priest started his speech and I only heard the parts I was supposed to respond to. Gio and I were so focused in on one another, I kind of just tuned him out.

"Giovanni Gray, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do,"

"Yasmine James, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do,"

The priest turned to Gio. "Repeat after me."

"I, Giovanni Gray take you Yasmine James, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

"I, Yasmine James take you Giovanni Gray, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

We exchanged rings and joined hands. I was smiling so hard, I felt like my face was going to crack.

The priest then turned to Gio again. "You may now kiss the bride."

Gio pulled me into a mind blowing kiss, that made my toes curl. When we pulled away he kissed my forehead.

Everyone cheered and Gio led us out to the front. He lifted me up and spun me around.

"You just made me the happiest person alive." He smiled.

"Likewise Mr. Gray." I smirked.

Everyone came out and congratulated us.

After we left we had to quickly go home and get ready. We chose not to have a reception because Gio couldn't get any later flights for our honeymoon. Our flight is in three hours and I hadn't even finished packing everything I needed.

I called Kaia to ask her if everyone received their presents. Gio and I sent gifts to everyone, thanking them for coming. She told me that they're being distributed now.

As soon as we got in the house, I sprinted up the stairs to finish packing some things. I threw a bunch of bathing suits and summer outfits into my suitcase. By time I was done we had to make our way to the airport.

"What if we miss our flight?" I asked Gio.

"We won't babygirl. We have time." He reassured me.

Once we got to the airport we checked in and made it through just as soon as they were boarding. I let out a sigh of relief. I would've been so guilty. Gio had told me to pack before the wedding but I was being lazy and put it off until this week, but I was so occupied with handling the wedding that I didn't even get the time to do it. He even offered to pack for me but I declined because he didn't know what outfits I wanted to bring.

My phone started to ring and saw it was my mom.

"Hey honey, are you guys at the airport now?"

"Yes mom we just made it, we're about to board the plane now."

"Okay, have a safe flight. I love you guys. Tell Gio to kiss the babies for me."

"Alright mom, we love you too. See you when we get back."

After I found out I was pregnant, Gio and I went to visit my mom. I didn't even get the chance to tell her. She just knew. I laughed at the memory.

We just pulled up to her house and knocked on the door. She was excited to see us and invited us inside. We sat down talking amongst ourselves until I told her I had some news.

"Mom we have something to tell you."

"Mi already know yah breed Minnie." My mom says casually. (I already know you're pregnant Minnie.)

The shock was evident on Gio and I's face.

"How?" Gio asked.

"I dreamt of fishes my dear." She says to Gio and I shook my head.

Gio looked genuinely confused and I laughed at his expression. My mom explained to him that fish dreams means fertility. Either you or someone close to you is pregnant or about to be.

"Wow, that's the first time I ever heard that." He said. "You'll be having fish dreams more often." He smirked.

I honestly couldn't believe he said that to my mother and she sat there and laughed with him.

"What are you smiling at babygirl?" Gio pulled me out of my daydream. Our class was now being boarded.

"Just thinking about when we told my mom I was pregnant."

He smiled. We walked over and gave the lady our passports and tickets. She stamped the ticket and handed them back. We walked onto the plane and got seated in first-class.

I relaxed into the seat and cuddled up to Gio.

"Ready for our new chapter Mrs. Gray?" He kissed the top of my head.

"I've never been more ready Mr. Gray."

Short chapter, I know. I'm getting ready to finish up this story because college classes start soon and I want this story finished by then.

Also thank you guys for 43k. I love each and every one of you. You guys make my day with your votes and comments 💕. Also check out my other story [Forever and Always Completed].

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