Chapter 10

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The week passed pretty quickly

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The week passed pretty quickly. I was feeling really good about my progress and I'm already down 14 pounds and it's only been two weeks. It's now Thursday afternoon and Gio and I are cooling down after our workout.

"Oh I forgot to tell you. Guess what?" I asked him smiling.

"What is it?" He looked at me curiously.

"I lost 14 pounds already, so I'm 188 now. All because of you." I beamed at him grinning wildly.

"No I don't deserve that credit, this is all possible because of you, you put in the time and effort and your getting the results of your hard work." He says walking up to me and planting a quick kiss on my lips.

Basically this is what we do. During our workouts we're really focused and professional but outside of that we're affectionate towards each other. It's been a week of this and I'm not even sure what we're doing but I like how we are. I'm getting to know him and he's really sweet and amazing.

"Come on let's go," He says wrapping his arms around me and walking us towards my car.

Another thing I notice, he doesn't care if anyone in his workplace knows we're involved. They don't seem to care either so I'm not gonna break a sweat over it.

"So? See you Monday?" I say to him and he shook his head no.

"Actually, I was wondering if you're free tomorrow? I wanted to take you out." He looked hopeful.

"Hmm I'm not sure, I'll have to check my calendar." I teased. "Yea I get off work early tomorrow, so I can slip you in." I said being serious this time.

"Mm I sure hope so. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7:45. Text me when you're home safe babygirl." He said leaving a quick kiss on my lips before he walked off.

I can never get tired of his kisses. They make me feel all warm and bubbly inside.

Wow, look at me crushing like a teenager. I shake my head before I start driving. I decided to go to the supermarket since I was running low on groceries.

I pulled up to fairway's parking lot and headed inside. I picked up some produce items and then made my way into the aisles. As I'm picking up some items I run into a familiar face.

"Hi Macy, you come this far to grocery shop?" I was surprised to see her here, Macy lived outside of the city in Westchester.

"Hi Yas, and no I actually work around here, and I just stopped in to grab a few things because my local supermarket doesn't have some of the things that are here." She smiled sweetly.

"Really, what do you do?" I asked.

"Oh, I work at the law firm around the corner. I'm a lawyer."

"Oh wow, that's a pretty good career." I responded.

"Yea. So, how are things going with my brother?" She nudged my shoulder and wiggled her eyebrows. "You guys looked really cozy a few days ago at my house and I swear he won't stop talking about you."

I blushed at her words. He really talks about me that much?

"I just came from our session together actually. Things are going well I guess. We're just getting to know one another right now." I said to her. "How are things with Kaia?"

Now it was her turn to blush. They seem really smitten with each other.

"She's something else I swear. But we're great. We're actually official now, I asked her last night." Macy says smiling wildly.

You can really tell Macy really likes Kaia, she lights up at the mention of her name. She seems really proud that her and Kaia are official now. I really loved to see it

"Aww I love you guys together. That's great! We should celebrate, club or game night?" I asked.

"A game night sounds fun, we can set it up at my house and I can invite a few friends and you and Kaia can too. How's Saturday?" She claps her hands excitedly.

"Perfect. I have bingo and some giant uno cards I'll bring those."

"Okay great, I'm actually headed to Kaia's place right now so I'll let her know." Macy says.

We hug each other and I continue with my shopping. Once I cashed out I made my way home.

When I got home, I was exhausted. I took a shower and knocked out. When I woke up again I was starving, but I wasn't in the mood to cook. I went on Uber eats to order a bowl from chipotle.

As I'm relaxing in my room, I get a text. It was Giovanni, I realized I hadn't let him know I was home.

'So, are you home safe?'

'Sorry I forgot to text you, I was really tired and I fell asleep."

'That's fine princess, so game night huh?'

'Yea lol, prepare to get your ass beat'

'I'd like to see you try'

Instead of replying I decided to call him. He picked up on the first ring.

"Is it okay that I called you?"

"Of course you don't have to ask, I love hearing your voice princess"

The way his compliments make me feel.

"You have a way with words don't you?" I smiled.

"I'm just saying what's on my mind, you know I never lie."

"That's reassuring. So, what are you up to right now?" I asked him.

"Not much, just laying around thinking about a certain brown skin beauty but she decided to call so my night is looking a little bit better. What about you?"

Oh nothing, just thinking about riding you off into the sunset, not much really.

I've never blushed as much until I met this man.

"Is it now? I'm actually waiting for my food, I woke up hungry and decided to order some chipotle." I told him.

"Hm I could eat"

I could practically hear him licking his lips. If his goal is to have me hot and horny it's working. How could these simple words have me so worked up.

"And what would that be?"

"You," He says calmly. I'm pretty sure he has a smirk on his face right now. I didn't even know what to say. "But I doubt you're ready for all of that"

"How do you know what I'm ready for?"

"Trust me babygirl, when the time is right you'll have all of me."

This man.

We spoke all night on the phone, I asked if he wanted to FaceTime but he said he didn't have an iPhone. Then that's when I remembered that when I texted him the messages were green. He even joked about getting an IPhone so we could FaceTime at night.

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