Chapter 37

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60 days

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60 days.

Two months since I last saw my husband. Two months since I've been on this island. Two months of searching.

The officers came to me this morning, telling me they have to call off the search. I expected it because after 30 days they tried to call it off but I had to pay them generously to continue searching.

I feel so useless, I've been an absolute mess since that day. I don't know what to do with myself. I feel so lost and stuck without him. I would give anything to see him again.

I was about to walk out of the bathroom when I heard Kaia and my mom talking.

"We knew this was coming but I don't wanna bring it up to her. I'm scared Carol, what if depression takes over? She has two unborn babies and I don't want to stress her out, and I don't wanna tell her after she's had the baby to trigger postpartum depression. She already isn't eating right. Macy is having a hard time with this too. " I hear Kaia's distressed voice.

What aren't they telling me?

"I think it's best if we tell her now. That way she can have time to come to terms with it. She'll have us, we'll be her support. I know you have to be there for your girlfriend and Yasmine, but I'm here for both of them as well, so don't think you're alone. I'm also gonna talk to her about staying with me for a while. I don't want her to be in that house by herself, too many memories." My mom told Kaia.

I stepped out the bathroom with his arms folded and cleared my voice. They both turned to me with a nervous expression.

"What aren't you two telling me?" I asked.

"Maybe you should sit down for this dear."

"I'm fine right here mom. Please just tell me." I pleaded.

"Well....Macy wants to have a funeral for Giovanni." My mom looked nervous. "We think it's a good idea. We want you to get some closure honey.

"No, he's not dead! They haven't found a body so that means he can very much still be alive!" I can't believe they wanted me to just give up. "I'll go search for him if I have to."

"You're seven months pregnant Yas, you don't need to put any stress on your body right now." Kaia chimes in.

"Minnie, you heard what everyone said. The chances that he survived that surge is slim to none. We just need you to come to terms with the fact that he may be gone."

"No! My husband is still out there and I won't stop till I find him. And why didn't Macy involve me in this decision? I'm his wife, I have a say in everything involving my husband."

"Macy was going to discuss it with you later on today, you weren't supposed to hear it from us Yas." Kaia tells me.

"Well whatever, my decision still stands. There will be no funeral until we find him or....." I swallowed hard find myself having a difficult time saying these next words. "his body."

I suddenly felt dizzy and weak. I tried to walk over to the night stand to get some water when my knees buckled. Kaia and my mom rushed over to me.

"I'm fine." I said to them.

"You're clearly not fine Yasmine." Kaia scolds me.

I tried to take another step before I felt my body collapse. My mom and Kaia caught me just in time before I blacked out.

I woke up to a steady beeping sound and I knew I was in the hospital. I adjusted my vision and saw Macy, Kaia, and my mom sitting in the room.

"Oh my god, she's awake. I'll go get the nurse." Kaia sprinted out of the room.

"Minnie, hey. Here's some water." My mom hands me a clear plastic cup with water. I gladly took it and gulped it down.

"What happened?" My babies! "Are my babies okay!?" I reached down to feel my stomach.

"They're fine, you were lucky. The doctor will explain everything." Just then the nurse and doctor came in the room.

"Hi Yasmine, I'm doctor Sharma and you've been in my care since you came in yesterday. How are you feeling?" She said in her thick accent.

It's been a day?

"I'm feeling okay, just tired."

"Okay, well I'm here to tell you, that you need to start taking care of your body. Your babies need nutrition to grow and if you continue like this there's a possibility you might lose them. You need to eat better and sleep, who knows what would've happened if your mom and friend weren't around."

I looked down in shame. I've been so focused on trying to find Gio that I've been neglecting my babies. I really don't know what I would do if anything happened to them. If he were he would be mad at me for not taking care of myself. I need to get my shit together and stop being selfish, I'm not the only one who lost him.

"Macy," I called. She hasn't said a word since she's been here. She's been playing with her fingers and staring off into space, I'm guessing Kaia told her I said no to the funeral. She looks at me after she heard her name. "I need to come to terms with what's happened. So, we can have the funeral. I'm sorry for being stubborn."

"I completely understand your reaction. I really don't want to do it but I have no idea what else to do. I feel so lost. He was the only family I had left." She hung her head and began sniffling.

My mom hugged her and comforted her. Kaia came inside with coffee cups. She quickly rushed to Macy's side and comforted her.

"I know he was your blood but we're your family too." My mom said to her.

I felt my own tears threatening to spill over, I really don't want to cry. I've cried enough tears to fill an ocean. It crushed me to see Macy break down. It was us two that was feeling it the most.

As much as I hate speaking about him in past tense, I knew we had to come to terms with it. I needed to do my best in taking care of my babies so they can be the healthiest they can be.

After we left the hospital we went back to the villa. Kaia and Macy were staying at the one next to ours and my mom was staying with me. I ordered a big dinner for everyone. I'm trying to follow the doctor's order and eat better.

Since the search is off, I know we have to return back to the states soon. I'm gonna take my mom's offer and stay with her. I can't stay in our house knowing he's not there.

"Guys, I'm gonna book our tickets so we can leave Thursday." It was now Tuesday so we leave in two days.

"I'll buy the tickets Minnie, You've already spent so much money continuing the search and paying for this villa." My mom grabbed the laptop and looked for flights.

I moved to the side and sat in the armchair and ate my food.

"I'm sorry for being such a terrible mother." I rubbed my stomach. "I'm not making a very good impression am I? I promise I'll be better for you guys and myself. " I spoke to my stomach.

"I love you guys so much and I can't wait meet you both. I wish your daddy was here to feel your little kicks and movements. He use to always say he would spoil you guys, we use to bicker about that a lot." I laughed at the memories. My laughing quickly turned into crying when I realized how much I missed him. I don't know how I'm going to cope.

"Oh Minnie, come here." My mom comforted me.

"He deserves to be here mom. I miss him so much." I cried on her shoulders.

"I know baby, I know." She patted my back.

I wish this nightmare would be over.

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