𝟎𝟏𝟏. 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐨, 𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫

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"This is absolutely outrageous!" Hux declared aloud.

He currently wrestled with the small, round BB unit that was clearly just as displeased about the arrangement as the general himself. He finally managed to force the droid into the empty cell and quickly closed the door to prevent it from escaping again. Why the Supreme Leader had decided to put a droid in a cell meant for humanoid prisoners was beyond him, but he dared not question the orders to his face.

Although he had wanted desperately for someone else to take control of the First Order aside from Ren, this was not what he had in mind. He was a general, not some common trooper. He had a name and an identity and a demand for respect, but the current Supreme Leader kept none of that in mind as he had assigned Hux menial task after menial task. And as if to make matters worse, he was now forced to take orders from a pilot that lacked the military experience and strategy of his own mind. His frown deepened as a small group of troopers passed him carrying several power cells in the direction of the Supreme Leader's personal chambers.

He stopped the nearest trooper, "What is going on here?"

"We have orders to deliver these power cells to the Supreme Leaders chambers."

"Who authorized such a movement?"

"The Admiral did, Sir," the trooper responded before adding, "With instruction from the Supreme Leader himself, Sir."

Hux allowed the trooper to proceed with a wave of his hand. With Snoke, he had some shred of decency to share a fraction of his plan with the general. Ren was unpredictable and was focused on his own personal motives: the primary reason he had to go. Aside from the fact that Hux just simply didn't like him. However, this Supreme Leader's decisions were hidden from almost everyone. He spent almost all of his time in the throne room and rarely spoke to anyone at all. And when he did feel like speaking, he resorted to communicating solely with Admiral Dangir. He sneered as he even thought of her name. She was simply an insubordinate fighter pilot who didn't know when to keep her mouth shut. What knowledge did she possess that made her of higher rank than himself?


Speak of the she-demon herself.


"The Supreme Leader wishes to speak with us in his quarters."


"That is what I said," she said with an attitude.

Another quality that he detested about her. Yet, he was pleased to hear that the Supreme Leader wished to bring him into the loop once more. He motioned for her to lead the way before determining that he should not be following. He quickly made his way in front of her, but she, in turn, stepped up beside him with a glare. It was obvious that the power had gone to her head and she thought that she was equal with him. Hilarious.

He attempted to battle her for superiority by quickening his pace which she matched. Their strides quickly turned into a footrace and by time they reached the doors of the Supreme Leader's chambers, Hux was out of breath. He quickly straightened and smoothed his hair to regain his dignity and composure. However, Dangir rolled her eyes in response which he found himself unable to resist repeating. It seemed that now he was locked in a battle of eye contact to try again to reclaim his superiority. However, his attention was drawn away by the low hum of electricity as the doors were opened and a violet glow radiated from the room.


Hux frowned at Dangir's smug expression and pushed ahead to enter the room first, "Is there something that you required, Supreme Leader?"

The Supreme Leader nodded his head, "Easily assumed if I requested your presence."

"How may we serve you, Supreme Leader?" Dangir asked.

The Supreme Leader seemed to appreciate her response more, "Have navigation set a course for Exegol."

"Beg your pardon?" Hux raised an eyebrow, "I've never heard of that system."

"No, I suppose you wouldn't have," the Supreme Leader nodded his head, "No matter, I will take care of it myself."

"Anything else?" Dangir asked.

"Yes," the Supreme Leader nodded, "Kylo Ren had located Vader's wayfinder. It may be locked away with his personal belongings but I would like the two of you to find the device and deliver it to my chambers once you have."

"This seems like a job fit for—"

"I do not care if you believe this assignment is beneath you, General," the Supreme Leader interrupted, "I have given it to you and I expect you to take care of it; otherwise, I do not see much of a future for you here."

Hux swallowed in response to the threat.

"We'll start right away, Supreme Leader," Dangir spoke up, grabbed Hux's arm, and turned to leave.

Hux certainly didn't appreciate being grabbed, but he did notice that she had deflected the Supreme Leader's attention from his mistake to her compliance. Although she had most likely done so to receive praise for her obedience, he enjoyed not being the center of attention for a moment. The last time he had felt so threatened was just after Ren had declared himself Supreme Leader. As he left the room, it was at that moment that he determined that perhaps he had made a poor decision when he decided to scour the various star systems to find a replacement for Ren.

"Which way?" Dangir broke the silence of his thoughts.


"Which way is Ren's quarters?"

"If you were actually suited—"

"Cut the bantha crap," Dangir snapped, "I get that you don't think I'm qualified for the job but I'm not going to argue with the guy who could snap my neck without a second thought! Now you can either help and save your hide or you can sit around on your exhaust port. Either way I don't give two bantha ticks about what you decide!"

Hux stood there shocked for a minute. It was rare for him to be addressed like such and certainly never done by someone who had once been at a much lower rank than himself; however, he quickly shook aside the dazed feeling and recognized that this assignment determined whether the Supreme Leader would replace him or keep him around a bit longer.

"This way," he gestured with his hand and began to lead the way.

Although he didn't like that she had grown pleased with herself, he did appreciate that Dangir remained silent for the remaining duration of their walk.

"In here," he announced as they arrived.

The doors opened and Dangir scoffed as she looked around, "For being in charge of the First Order, this guy could use a lesson or two in cleanliness."

Hux nodded his head, "Although I agree, no one was willing to put their life on the line by creating an unnecessary conflict with Ren."

"Then you should certainly understand why I have no desire to create any quarrels with the current Supreme Leader."

Hux nodded his head, "This could take some time. We should refrain from wasting any and begin our search immediately."

𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒Where stories live. Discover now