Part 4:

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(The morning after Y/N being introduced as Thomas's official girlfriend)

(Y/N's POV)

When I woke up, I got ready for the day. Thomas would wait for me as usual, and we would walk to breakfast together. Everyone seemed to support us dating, but I still thought about Newt. I was pretty sure him and Teresa had started secret dating or secret (ahem) but I still liked him more than Thomas.

At breakfast, I knew Newt glanced at me and Thomas more than usual. He seemed to be a little uneasy by the fact that we were dating, but he never shared his concerns.


After we left for dinner early, Thomas took me to a private hut. I was a little unsure about his motives but he started kissing my neck. I let myself feel the pleasure that he was giving me and he grabbed my waist to pull me into him. He suddenly started moving down my body and I pushed him away gently.

"Tommy, I don't think I'm ready for that..." I said.

"Why not?"

He started again and he started to run his hands up the hem of my shirt. I pushed him away again.

"I'm not comfortable with that, Tommy."

He looked aggravated as he pulled away from me. I was in disbelief.

"Are you serious, Y/N? Why won't you give me what I want?"

"It's too early, we've only been together for two days and I don't think I've-"

"Just stop!"

I was in shock. Could he really be acting like this?

"You know what? I wanna break up," Thomas confessed.

"Are you serious? Just because I won't do that with you?"

"Yeah! You always are throwing yourself at boys but when you have a boyfriend you're 'not comfortable' with that?"

I was so angry with him. I didn't care if we broke up. I shook my head at him and walked right out of that hut.

I walked into the Deadheads and found a log there. I sat down and started to cry. I didn't cry about me and Tommy breaking up, but I cried because of what he said. I was 'throwing myself' at boys?

After a few minutes of sitting there I heard footsteps. I peeked up from my hands and looked in that direction. I saw Newt's face through this trees.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" He asked as he walked towards me.


"No, you're not. You're crying."

I wiped some tears away.

"Well, Thomas broke up with me."

He hugged me.

"I'm sorry, Y/N."

"I'm not surprised though. I'm not even crying because of that I'm crying because of what he said."

"What did he say?"

"Well..." I started to feel a bit uncomfortable."You're gonna have to know the story of it's gonna make sense. So basically, after we left he led me to a hut. He started kissing me and started to try to go further, but I stopped him. I said I wasn't comfortable and he continued until I stopped him again. He started getting really mad at me and then said he wanted to break up. I asked if he was serious and he said I was always 'throwing myself' at boys and I couldn't even do that when I had a boyfriend."

I looked at Newt's face. He looked so mad at that moment that I'm pretty sure he could have killed Thomas in a heartbeat if he had seen him walk by in that moment.

"Newt, it's fine. I didn't even really like him anyways."

"Then why did you date him?"

I thought about that. I couldn't really give him the reason without admitting my feelings for him. I decided it was time.

"You really wanna know?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Well... ever since I've come out of the Box, you were really great to me. I thought you had feelings for Teresa, well, you did because you kissed, but I had still liked you from that day. Thomas seemed nice, and, unlike you, available so I started dating him."

He looked at me with shock written all over his face.

"Wait... you like me?"

I nodded. He smiled and then cupped my face. He leaned in and pressed his soft lips to mine. We kissed for about a couple of seconds. I broke the kiss.

"Aren't you with Teresa?"

"No. She told me she liked me but I rejected her."

I smiled and leaned in to kiss him again.

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