Chapter 10: Collaboration

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Collaboration day. A weekend that Kieran had been both looking forward to and dreading, all at the same time.

If he played his cards right, he could further his career on his own merit. But that depended on how he treated the two infamously arrogant models and the equally snobbish fashion designers providing their clothing. Kieran had done a little surveying while he inspected the cameras, and so far it didn't bode well. 

The female model, Ruby, had shown up early, complete with her own hair and makeup team. A tragedy, because her contract clearly stated that she would use the team designated by the designer. Kieran refused to get in the middle of that one, they could duke it out themselves. 

Niall arrived next, wearing some godawful orange jacket, and promptly shoved his way past Ruby, who had been greeting the staff. The glare she gave him could have incinerated him if he'd been looking. 

At least the two designers seemed to be on good terms with each other. Michelle, the shoe lady, greeted Aubergine's designer, Esme, with a kiss to the air on both sides of her cheeks. 

Kieran didn't care if their goodwill was forced for publicity or if they actually got along. Just so long as something went right. He didn't set high hopes on the models. 

"Vienna." Kieran didn't even have to raise his voice to summon the assistant. She skipped over immediately. 

"What can I do for you, boss?"

Kieran set his camera in the palm of his hand and held it out in her direction. "Clean the lens again. And check the one that's already set up. I'll be back." 

Vienna accepted the camera with a wan smile. She must already know where Kieran was headed. 

"Good luck." 

Yep. She knew. 

Though he wanted to do literally anything else, Kieran straightened his blazer and turned toward the dressing rooms. Part of shooting a good photo was to catch the chemistry of the models. In this case, Kieran definitely had to do his due diligence in order to capture any of that. The only chemistry that Niall and Ruby seemed to have was nuclear. 

Kind of like Niall and Janelle. Kieran suddenly regretted accepting this job. 

Tap, tap, tap. 

Assuming that war hadn't broken out in the dressing room, that knock should be enough to garner the attention of the occupants. 

A timid-looking assistant opened the door. "You are... the photographer?" 

Kieran pasted on his brightest smile. "I'd love to greet our models today. Are they both here?" 

"Unfortunately," muttered the assistant. He swung the door wider. "Come in and good luck." 

That's what Kieran had been afraid of. He dreaded stepping inside, but he did it anyway. All for a good working environment. 

Niall and Ruby sat at two separate dressing tables, their backs to each other. The hairstylists flitted around Ruby, far too quietly, while the makeup artists worked on Niall. On the surface, things were going well. 

Even Kieran could feel the molten lava surging beneath the façade. 

"Good morning!" Kieran exclaimed too brightly. Anything to get their attention. 

Niall sighed as if a pest had entered the room. 

Ruby's gaze flitted up, hard and angry, until she caught sight of Kieran. Then, she beamed. "You must be Kieran Colburn." 

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