Richie Sambora #1 (Bon Jovi)

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This was requested by userr_06. Thank you for the request.

Warnings: Swearing, mentions of alcohol

When you thought it would be hard having your boyfriend a million miles away on a tour, you didn't think it would be this hard. You thought that he would go on tour, the time would fly and he'd be back home again. But it felt like thousands of years before the day he got home.

You were ambling around your apartment. You had just woken up and were not ready to face the day without Richie by you side.

You made yourself a cup of coffee, sat down on your soft couch and and turned on the TV, only for it to turn on to MTV and an interview with Bon Jovi. As soon as you saw Richie's face you felt lonely because you wanted him there with you and not out in whatever country he was in now.

The interviewer were asking some questions about the tour and their album and then it got more personal.

"So have any of you got any lovely lady's to go home to after the tour"

You saw Richie smile and you instantly felt happier as his smile was contagious.

"Yeah I got a girl, she's the most amazing girl any guy could possibly hope to have. She's got everything, she's beautiful, smart and all around generous person anyone could ever meet"

"She sounds like some girl Richie, you must love her a whole lot"

"Yeah I really do"

Gosh were you glad that he was coming home tomorrow.

After you had lunch you asked your friends if they wanted to go out, you just couldn't take being alone much longer. They all agreed, so you started getting changed into something more fitting for a night out.

You heard a knock at your door and finished touching up your makeup.

"Are you ready for the best night of your life," your over enthusiastic best friend asked.

"Of course I am"

Once you got to the first bar, you and your friend instantly started on the vodka shots. After a few of those you were completely wasted. Let's just say you couldn't hold your drinks for long. Your friend draged you onto the dance floor and you two started dancing like idiots. You then went and bought more drinks.

You started feeling sleepy so you decided to go home. You told your friend and started making your way home.

When you arrived you opened the door and collapsed on the couch and decided to sleep there for the night.

You woke up and looked at the clock.


You completely forgot that you were meant to be picking Richie up from the airport.

You changed into a casual outfit and wiped off your makeup, you put on a more natural makeup instead.

You got into your car and started zooming down the roads but not too fast that you would get stopped by the cops.

You got to the airport and waited. You looked at every person that came down the elevator to see if it was Richie, but it never was.

After about half an hour of waiting, you saw Jon and then Richie following closely behind.

He started scanning the crowd for any signs of you and then found you waving at him.

He rushed through the crowd of people traveling down the elevator and through the crowd waiting at the bottom.

When he finally got to you he picked you up and spun you around before placing you down and giving you a passionate kiss.

"I've missed you so much, Y/N"

"I've missed you too, Richie"

A/n: Sorry this took so long and sorry if it's absolute crap. I had no ideas for this but didn't want to disappoint. I'm still taking requests!

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