Kirk Hammett #1 (Metallica)

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It was the last week of high school. I had just finished an English test and felt like shit. I was heading to lunch to meet my friend and rant about the crap day together.
When I got there you couldn't see him on the table we both usually sit at. I knew that there was only one other place he could be.
The music room.

I started walking towards the room and could instantly hear the sound of an electric guitar. It sounded awesome, I couldn't wait for him to get into a band so he could share his talent.
I looked in through the door and I could see that he had his back to the door. This was the perfect opportunity to creep up on him. I had been waiting to get back at him for a year after he creeped up on me.
I quietly opened the door and closed it behind me. He was in the middle of a solo so I decided to wait till he finished and then scare him.

Once he had finished I yelled as loud as I could.


"AHH!" He jumped about a mile. He almost dropped his guitar.

"Ha! I got you back"

"I really wish you hadn't done that, I could have ruined my guitar"

"Sorry Kirk," I said, genuinely upset.

"Hey, please don't get upset, I really wouldn't know what to do if you started crying," he chuckled to himself knowing how awful he was at comforting me.

I started to fake cry to see if he would fall for another joke.

"Oh no, please stop, I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound angry at you-"

I started laughing," I can't believe you fell for that one. I got you twice, in a row"

I decided to stop laughing when he gave you a glare and shoved his guitar into the stand.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you look like a fool. It was only a joke, I'm sorry, I really am," I started rambling.
He couldn't hold it in any longer. He burst out laughing.

"Ha! I got you!" He pointed his finger in my direction. Now it was my turn to look pissed.
"Sorry, I just had to"

"No you didn't"

"Whatever, do you wanna come round my place after we get out of this shit hole," it was always so funny when he swore. I started giggling to myself.
He stared at me and a smile spread across his face," What?"

"Nothing. Yeah of course, what horror movies are we gonna watch?"

"I dunno we can decide when we get there"

"Sounds as good a plan as any," I smiled at him.
He smiled back.

~His POV~

I had to smile back. I had no choice, her smile and laugh is so contagious, I can't help myself.

She began walking towards the door to leave.

"Wait, I got something to tell you"

"What is it Kirk?"

"I...nevermind, I'll tell you later"

She looked at me with a confused expression,"Ok," and with that she left to go to next lesson.

~Y/n POV~

I couldn't wait to finish today. I really wanted to know what Kirk was going to say. I hated it when he left me on cliffhangers like that.
I kept going through different scenarios through my head, just wondering what he was going to say. Then the lesson ended abruptly when the bell rang.
I gathered my things and sprinted to where me and Kirk met up everyday after hell.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, you know how the traffic works around here"

"Yeah it's fine, I only got out a couple of minutes ago"

"Cool, straight to yours"

"Of course"

And with that we both set off on our journey to Kirk's place.

~ Time skip ~

Once we got into the house, Kirk went straight to the phone to order a pizza to go with our movie marathon.

"Do you want the usual?" He said loudly as I was in the other room.

"Yeah, please," I loudly answered back.

He made the order and came to help me choose the movies for tonight.
We had chosen our marathon and was waiting for the pizza.

I could feel a stare on me. I turned to look at Kirk and caught him red handed.

"What, is there something on my face," I chuckled to myself. I stopped when I realised Kirk wasn't joining in.

"I'm sorry, I just...I don't know what I was doing actually...I'm really sorry"

"Stop apologising... What did you want to ask me earlier?" I had a feeling this could be something to do with it.

"I wanted to say that... I wanted to say that I like you. Maybe more than a friend?" He asked questionably.

I sat there and stared at him. Everyone had rumours about us, but I never thought they were true.

"I... I don't know what to say"

"You don't have to say anything, I knew you didn't like me back, it was a bit stupid asking really-"

I leaned in and kissed him. I thought it was the only way to shut him up, actually.
Once he realised what was happening, he eased into it and moved his hand to the back of my head.
This was the best kiss I had ever experienced and I never wanted it to end. That was until the bell rang and someone yelled," Pizza"

We broke apart, smiled at each other and continued on with the night like we originally planned, only sprinkled with a little more affection than we usually would have mixed in.


Hi, it's me again. Hope you enjoyed.
I have been off for quite a while as everything has been very stressful over the holidays and I just haven't had the time to write. And adding a massive writer's block to the mix didn't help either. But hopefully now that I've got a couple of ideas for a couple of people, I can get back on track and write more frequently.
I would still like if you requested as I really want your input.
Thanks 🤘

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