Nick Menza #1 (Megadeth)

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When you suddenly get a call on the weekend, you don't expect it to be someone you haven't spoken to in a couple of years. But that's exactly what happened today.
The weekends bore the hell out of me, especially when you don't have a hobby and an extremely boring job.
I go through the same cycle every day. Wake up around 9 am, have breakfast, try and waste 5 hours then go to work at 2 pm. I've been doing this for a year and a half with nothing breaking the cycle whatsoever.

That's why the phone call surprised me at 11 am, it broke the cycle. I wearily walked over to the phone, afraid of who might be on the other end of the line.
Maybe it's a serial killer, or a malevolent spirit warning me of my death in 7 days, or maybe my mom ringing about a family reunion, that's the worst it could get. But I need to stop imagining the possibilities and find out.

I carefully pick up the phone, hoping and praying that I don't hear ' I can see you'. I whisper 'hello', and my whole body tenses ready for my doomed fate.

"Hey Y/n, haven't spoken in a while"

"Who is this? Why do you know my name?"

"It's Dave, from high school?"

"Dave?! Wow, I haven't heard from you in years!" This was such a relief, at least I knew I wasn't getting slaughtered.

"Yeah, that's why I'm calling actually. You know how I said I'd make it big in a band? Well I did and we're touring, I was wondering if you wanted a ticket and we could catch up?"

"Oh my gosh! I'd love that! When?"

"Where do you live?"

"Still in San Diego"

"We'll be there next week actually. I'll put a ticket aside for you"

"That's great! Thank you!" I paused and realised I didn't know who I was going to see next week. "Just one question"


"What's the name of your band?"

"Oh, right, Megadeth"

"Megadeth? Am I gonna get killed at this concert?"

"Ha ha, very funny. I gotta go, see you next week!"


I put down the phone in disbelief at the conversation. How did he get my number? I guess I'll just have to wait until next week.

~time skip - next week~

I got more information about the concert in the days leading up to it. It was on Wednesday, 8pm, in the venue in the middle of the city.

I was so excited! Today was Wednesday and I just got home from work. It's 7pm, I have an hour to get ready for the concert.
I was going to wear a dress and heels, but with the busy day I've had, I settled with a band tee, jeans and my Dr martens.

Once I was ready I decided to walk to the venue since I didn't live that far away. I was having quite a peaceful walk until I arrived at my destination. The venue was a lot busier than I anticipated, but I'm a social butterfly so it shouldn't be too bad.
As I walked up to the reception to enter I got stopped.

"Excuse me, ticket," an older guy stuck his hand out to me.

"Umm, Dave Mustaine put one aside for me"

"Ahh, your the lucky lady"


He dropped his hand and I walked into the venue, searching for a place to stand.
I found one quite close to the stage and was hoping for a good view. I definitely got one as I could clearly see my high school best friend and his band playing some of the greatest songs I had heard in a while.

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