Lars Ulrich #1 (Metallica)

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L.A, the place where people can fulfil their dreams in being whatever they desire. At least that's what everyone says. I came here to be a musician, to be in a band and so far all I've achieved is a job at the record store. I'm not complaining, L.A is a really lovely place and the best I've been to so far but I was-

"I'm sorry,"a guys voice apologised

"It's ok, I wasn't looking where I was going"

I looked up to see a young guy with flowing brown hair. He reached his hand down to help me and I greatfully took it.

"Thanks," I said quietly.

"Your welcome"

We walked in our opposite directions and I never expected to see him again.

---------------------2 weeks later----------------

I was stacking shelves, no-one ever comes in here. There were millions of great records that never got sold because of where the shop was located. We were located down an alley on the Sunset Strip and right next to a lively bar, so no-one ever noticed us.

I was down the back of the store stacking Motorhead records when I heard the ting of the bell on the top of the door.

My head shot up and that same guy that I ran into on the street was entering.

I made sure I looked ok and walked over.

"Hi, how can I help?"

"Oh it's you," he responded rather quickly.

"Yeah,uh, surprise?," I face palmed that.

He just chuckled and walked past me to find a record. I trailed behind him quietly to see what his music taste was like.

"Oh, Black Sabbath, I love those too!" I said more excitedly than I would have liked.

"Yeah, they're big influencers"

I just nodded along.

"You know what," he said," I've got a spare ticket to some band tomorrow night and my friend dropped out, I was thinking maybe you could go with me and we could get to know each other better?" He seemed really nervous.

"I'd love to!"

He smiled a really cute smile and bought the record. He also gave me his number so we could organise the times for tomorrow night.

At least that's what he said, unless he had something different in mind.


Just reminding that requests are open and I really need ideas. I feel like I'm being really pushy so, I'm sorry if it's coming across like that, I just want you guys to have some input in the content.


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