Zakk Wylde #1

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I have been touring with Ozzy Osbourne as Jake E Lee's guitar tech and roadie for about a year. During that time me and Jake have had the time to become quite close as friends.

Then I started noticing Jake becoming more miserable at the studio and on tour. There were many arguments between him and Ozzy over the writing of songs and I couldn't stand it any longer.

Tonight we were playing in LA, it was the last show of the tour and we're currently at a soundcheck rehearsal.
I could see Jake and Ozzy talking and the conversation getting quite heated so I went to intervene.
"Hey, Jake, can I talk to you for a sec"
He nodded and we walked side of stage. "What's going on?"

"What do you mean?" He sounded genuinely confused.

"Between you and Ozzy."

He sighed,"Nothing really, he just doesn't get my writing style"

Then he walked back on stage, as I looked at him in disbelief, and started rehearsing.

The show went great and I could see that everyone was happy. Jake and Ozzy put aside their differences for the celebratory party afterwards and everyone had a great time.

~time skip~

It was that time again. Time to start writing the new album and I just knew this one was going to be the best.
I had arranged to meet Jake outside the studio last week and I was really excited to get back to work.

20 minutes came and went and there was still no sign of Jake. I thought maybe he got here earlier and went inside, so I entered the studio.
I saw 4 guys sat around a table. Ozzy, Randy Castillo( drummer), Bob Daisley( bassist) and someone else I didn't recognise.
I barged in and asked, "Where's Jake? He was meant to be here 20 minutes ago"

"Oh did he not tell you?" Ozzy said sympathetically.

"Tell me what?"

"That he left the band last Saturday"

"He what?!"

"Yeah, said that I didn't get his writing and wanted to move on"

I didn't know what to think and I couldn't think because next thing I knew, I was being introduced to the unfamiliar man.

"Y/n this is Zakk, Zakk this is Y/n, your guitar tech," said Ozzy.

Everything was happening so fast, I didn't know what to do. He stuck out his hand and I took it then rushed out of the room. I needed some fresh air and time to think things over.

Once I was outside, I whipped out a cigarette and lit it.
Change overwhelmed me too much, I don't know why. So many things are going to change now just because of one person. What if I messed up his tunings or his equipment, then he'd be mad at me, then I could get fired.
I need to stop overthinking, I don't even know the guy yet, he could be very nice.

The door opened and was almost ripped off its hinges to reveal Zakk. He winced as the door hit the wall and started looking around until he spotted me.

He walked over to me,"Hey, sorry for the sudden change"

"It's ok, it's not your fault"

He leaned on the railing in front of the door,"I heard that you and Jake were close"

"Yeah, he helped me settle in and feel welcome"

There was an awkward silence.

"So were you, like, you know, together?"

"Me and Jake?! No! Just friends"

Another long pause.

"Ozzy told me that you get quite worried about messing things up with the guitars, but I want to tell you now that I won't get mad. I'm worried about messing up myself"

I stared at him, it's like he could read my mind. He stared out at the city looking nervous and afraid. I continued to stare at him, he was tall and slim, his hair was long, frizzy and blonde and his features were soft and attractive. I could tell that he was a great person, then he looked back at me and caught me staring. I looked away as fast as possible.

He grinned like a child, "What were you staring at?"

"Nothing," you retaliated.

"Ok," he looked back at me in disbelief. He jumped up to sit on the railing now, so he could see me more clearly.

I could feel a pink tinge rise into my cheeks and knew I couldn't hold it back.
He chuckled and it gave me butterflies in my stomach. Was I seriously falling for this guy?

"Does this happen with all the guitarists?" He asked.

"This? What do you mean?"

"You being shy, did it happen with everyone else? Is it a change thing?"

"I've only worked with Jake. Well I've only worked with Ozzy for a year"

"Oh, ok. So did you act like this with Jake?" He interrogated.

I was under pressure now. "No?" I blurted.

"Ahh, so just me then,"he said slowly and he smirked.

I didn't know what to say, he backed me into a corner. I opened my mouth a couple of times, but just decided to close it again and say nothing.

"I think we're going to have a lot of fun with this album," he winked at me then walked back into the studio.

I agree. Like I said I think this album is going to be the best.


I'm back!!!
I can't believe I've been gone this long, everything seemed to just happen at once and I couldn't get back into the swing of things, like my writing.
I've seen that so many more people are reading this book and were probably expecting more updates, so I've decided that I'm definitely going to write more and hopefully more often too.
Requests are open
If you have anything to request please tell me and I will write it ASAP.

Hope you enjoyed the story🤘

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