Chapter 1

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"What are you reading?!"

Meredith gasped at the sound of a high-pitched squeal. "Good grief Sydney, you scared me."

Sydney raised her eyebrows and asked again. "What. Are. You. Reading?"

Meredith smiled. "It's Myra Hanson's new book. I'm only on chapter 5, but I'm already so invested in..."

"Is eReader?"

"Yeah. I bought it a couple of weeks ago."

Sydney's eyes widened. "You brought an eReader into a library? You brought the devil into my church?!"

Meredith smiled as she put her reader down. "Syd, come on, isn't it time to enter the new millennium? I mean, really, I don't know which is funnier you are calling it the devil or calling the library a church."

Sydney smiled. "What can I say, I like my books with pages. You know, like what is all around us currently." She held out her arms and did a full turn. She took in the sight of her library. The modern staircase that led to each of the three floors of the library. Books lining each wall from top to bottom. The big tables for big projects, the small reading areas with the plush chairs. "I will always love my books in their true form and not in their new and improved state."

"If anyone could you hear you saying this, they would think you're at least 50 and not even 30 yet."

"I disagree. There are plenty of people that prefer records to downloads. People that prefer to call someone rather than text them. People that prefer to go out shopping rather than do it online. This is no different."

Meredith threw up her hands. "I surrender, you win. The devil shall remain at home from now on. Oh, bless thee sacred word and forgive my transgressions against thee."

Sydney couldn't help but laugh at her friend. "Your sins will be forgiven if you tell me you took the reference books back upstairs already."

"Yup, took them up a while ago and locked down the elevators as well." Meredith smiled at Sydney. "So, maybe now that I've done my penance, I can leave a bit early..."

"Oh, hot date tonight?" Sydney asked as she walked towards the reception desk.

"I'm meeting Malcom at the Whispering Willow for drinks anyway. Hot, maybe. Date, that's what he calls it." Meredith's eyes lit up. "Wanna join us?"

Sydney looked at her sideways. "Let's see. Go home alone or be a third wheel on your date? Think I'll take option A."

"There's always Malcom's friend Tyler. He's been wanting to hang out with you since my birthday party."

"Hmmm...go home alone, third wheel or pity date...boy, my cup overfloweth..."

Meredith gets up from her chair and starts laughing. "It's not a pity date, it's a drink or two. Come on, isn't it time you got yourself back out there."

Sydney smiled at her friend. "I'll have you know I have been out there."

"Three dates in one year does not count as being back out there."

"Hey, I had fourth last weekend."

Meredith's jaw drooped as she put her purse on the desk. "You didn't tell me you had plans last weekend!"

Sydney shrugged. "It was a Saturday lunch date with someone my sister set me up with."


"And it was nice. He was a nice guy. Cute, stable job."

Meredith gestures for more info.

"I just didn't feel anything, you know. No spark." Sydney smiled at her friend. "I'm just taking this as a sign I may not be ready to date again."

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