Chapter 6

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School was tedious and boring for the most part. The problem with school is that you slip into a routine and everything is just so... the same. You have your timetable for the week; you know exactly what lessons you're going to have and at what times, you know which periods you're going to have free and with whom, you even know the precise time you have to wake up to just be able to make it to school on time. You wake up early, spend the day all grumpy and looking like death, get home and do more work, have dinner and shower, then spend a few hours wasting time on the internet before falling asleep with your phone in hand at a ridiculous hour. Or at least that's my life for the time being.

I was tired, but not the kind of tired that sleeping for thirteen hours straight on the weekends could cure. I wanted some excitement - I wanted to be spontaneous. But for now I just had to go with the flow, I just had to get through these ten months and I would be free to do whatever it was I wanted to do after that.

I knew school starting again would mean that I probably wouldn't see Liam very often, but I certainly didn't think we'd become as distant as we are. He's at university now so he has to focus on the bigger picture and work so damn hard, which I totally understand, but I thought maybe we'd at least text and he could come over for dinner now and again since he's not living on campus.

It's Friday again at last and Liam's lecture got cancelled so he was finally able to stop by my house for a little while. We were just chilling, watching TV, engaging in as much conversation as the two of us could handle. He was sat upright with his head resting on the back of the sofa and I was slouched into the corner with my legs across his lap, his hand on my calf idly fiddling with a loose thread on the lining of my jeans. The two of us were practically in a trance staring at the television in the darkening room until the front door clicked open behind the textured glass of the porch screen.

Liam stirred beneath me and inhaled sharply as he lifted his body slightly to pull his phone from his back pocket and he clicked the button illuminating the screen. "Whoa, it's six already, I better make a move."

He patted my legs and I moved them from across him to let him stand up. "You've only been here since three, why don't you stay for dinner?" I groaned, looking up to him stretching and smoothing his jeans out.

"I know, and I would but it's mum's birthday tomorrow so we've got family coming over tonight. Sorry Jess," he pouted, leaning down to kiss my forehead. After plenty of shuffling on the other side, the porch door eventually opened.

"Tell her I say happy birthday," I told him.

My eyes roamed towards the doorway and found Niall, followed by-

No. Oh God, no.

Is this some kind of joke? It has to be, right?

My mouth fell agape and I fidgeted uncomfortably in my seat when I saw him. Harry. Immediately I tried to compose myself and look like I hadn't noticed him, or at least like I wasn't fazed by the fact he was here, so I forced myself to stare back at the TV unable to pay attention to what was actually on it. Instead I listened closely and sensed every movement going on around me, watching out of the corners of my eyes.

"Liam mate, wassup!" Niall sang, running up to Liam and offering him a fist bump which of course Liam returned.

"Alright mate, I'm actually just on my way out so I'll catch you later?" Liam patted Niall on the back as he scooted past him and continued past Harry who was just stood in silence with his hands buried deep into the pockets of his worn black jeans.

Shoving his feet into his trainers with ease, Liam peered back into the living room and waved at us all whilst calling, "Cya," to which we all mumbled a 'goodbye' back.

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