Hello Darkness, My Old Friend...

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Urm... Hi.

So, contrary to popular belief, I am actually alive. 

I don't even know where to start, honestly. It's been a whole YEAR since I last updated, and for that I am so very sorry. Almost every day I receive an email letting me know someone has commented on Illicit, and it makes me feel terrible that two years on this story is still not finished.

I want to thank every single person who has read, voted for, commented on my story, and especially those who have personally messaged me about Illicit, and about myself. Your support means the entire world to me and I'm so happy people enjoy my writing and the story.

So much has happened in a year - almost everything is different. I've had a long battle with... well, myself. I started university; I ended up doing something completely different than I'd originally planned. I commuted every day to study my course in Forensic Studies, and to be blunt with you I wasn't enjoying it at all. I completed my first year and I did very well, but it just wasn't what I wanted and I can't put myself through that. I'm now working full time and taking a year out, but I can't see myself going back. I met someone, a year and a half ago. He's perfect - you wouldn't believe it. I type this from the sofa in our flat. So, yeah, the past year has been a rollercoaster!

Yesterday I was sitting at my desk, and suddenly I got the urge to write. When I got home I sat down and re-read my whole story, and now I'm just desperate to update it. I actually had to catch up on my own story to remember what I'd written, how awful is that.

The ending has been planned out since day one, and I can't promise it'll be finished next week, or even next year, but what I can promise is that an update is coming soon. I'm itching to write now, and as soon as I'm at home on my own with the spare time, I'm going to do so.

I know everyone who was reading and engaging have probably deleted my book and left, but for any of you who might still want to read... thank you. Please let me know if you're still here - the more people vote and comment the more inclined I'll be to get started and really motivate myself! I would love to hear from you - I've really missed everyone on here and I want to find out how you've been in my absence. 

If you want to catch up with what I've been doing, my twitter is elliexmclean and insta is elliemclean.

I hope the end of Illicit will be worth the wait.


E x

Illicit [Harry Styles]Where stories live. Discover now