Chapter 26

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"Jess!" Harry was jogging behind me, trying to catch up with me as I strode towards somewhere I hadn't quite decided on yet, but I was power-walking across the car park and away from him as quickly as my legs would carry me. He was shouting and thinking he had the upper hand as usual and I was sick of it. His long and muscular legs managed to catch up with mine easily and he stepped out in front of me, a firm hand pressed against my shoulder to stop me in my tracks, "Come back inside."

"Get off me," I spat, trying to get past him but failing as he managed to stop me each time I attempted to dodge him.

"Stop being stubborn, Jess, come back inside... now."

"What part of 'don't tell me what to do' do you not understand?" I narrowed my eyes at him, my eyebrows furrowing in the way that Harry's were renowned for.

"It's nine o'clock at night! Are you an idiot? It's not safe out here." He was angry, there was no doubt about that, but there was also a hint of something else lurking at the surface. He seemed panicked or paranoid, like if he let me go it'd be the end of the world.

"What is your problem?" I scoffed, looking him straight in the eye and being met with sparkling green - but a much darker shade than usual, which almost distracted me for a second. "You were absolutely repulsive back in there, and now you're acting as though I'm a five year old running off into the street."

"I just fuckíng told you!"

"You said it's not safe? I'm a big girl, Harry, I can look after myself. Before you came along I didn't have someone holding my hand whenever I wanted to go out alone." This over-protective thing he had going on was not in the slightest bit cute; it was awful and it got on my nerves immensely. I'd come to realise that it wasn't even like he was looking out for me, he just wanted to control every situation and didn't want anyone else even looking at me. He always seems to act like he hates me and then get píssed off when I'm not happy about how he's behaving.

"Just... stop overreacting and come back inside," he huffed, his voice strained and his eyes almost rolling. If he thinks he can get his own way by being horrible to me like he normally does then he can think again, I was through with him pushing me around.

"No," I shrugged, knowing it'd wind him up but honestly not caring at this point.

"Jesus Christ," he huffed again, raking his other hand through his hair with frustration.

"Why were you such a díck to that man?"

"Because he was a dirty beggar?"

"So, because - unlike you - someone doesn't have any money, they don't deserve to be treated like a person? You think you're superior because your parents pay for everything for you?"

"I'm not talking about this with you."

"Good. Don't. Go back inside and leave me here like I've asked you to."

"Why are you being so fuckíng difficult! Just get inside!"

"Tell Niall I'll be here when he's ready. He doesn't have to hurry or anything, I'll wait," I smiled bitterly - sarcastically.


"Go, Harry. Go back inside. I'm not coming in with you and that's final."

He scoffed in annoyance and mumbled something under his breath before storming past me, barging into my shoulder in a childish gesture on his way as he went back into the restaurant. I'd won. For once, I'd played Harry Styles at his own game and I'd defeated him. I sat down on the curb by Niall's car, feeling rather smug at my success but still extremely ticked off with how Harry had acted towards me and towards the man. I wish the poor man had stuck around so I could give him the change I intended on fishing out for him.

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