Prologue: Home?

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3rd Person POV

Here am I again... what am I doing here? This facility... what is my purpose here?

Cypher: damn... what the hell am I supposed to do here?

Cypher got out if his car... and yawns and pulls out a small cigarette... as he put it in his mouth and smokes...

Cypher: *sighs* I guess I'll just have a look here...

As he said that he looks around the area... it's much abandoned as he remembers...

Cypher: damn here we go....

He walks towards the area he ripped one of the security tapes... as he enters the facility but as he does... he slowly noticed time slowly down a bit and it cause shim to close his eyes from it
.. as he opens it...

Everything around him looks red and was in ruins...

Cypher: damn it... my mind is playing with me again....

He closes his eyes once more and opens it and the illusion he saw were gone...

Cypher: I knew it... but now... it's time to venture and get it all over it...

He entered the facility and noticed all of the broken furnitures and medical equipments... scattered around the area...

Cypher: damn... how long am I been here? How exactly am i?

He keeps walking around but suddenly he hears an eerie like sound across the hallway...

Cypher: huh? Hello...

He slowly walks to the hallway and suddenly fell the cold breeze on his body... he hugged himself as not only it got colder... he notices that.... ice frost? Appears on the wall and a cold like feeling on him...

Cypher: w-what the hell.... is this another illusion?

???: Y̸̧̯̟̬̳̱͚͍͇̗̤͓͙̙͂͐͠͠ǫ̶̦̫͇͗͋ű̷̢͕̹̗̭̤̈͜r̷̞̣͎͙̲̀̈́̌̇͋̏͑̔̂́͂͛͘ ̷̛̖͖̙̘͚̙͎̜̠͔̭̙̣P̶̢̳̫͙̝͙̟̟͌̚a̷̫̪̪̱͚̞͑̀̿̽̑͆̎̅̀̐́̌̑͊t̵̞̣͙̰̖̀h̶̟̰̮̻͋̎́̈ë̷̢̛̮͙̟̙͉̩̬̹̼̫̰̗̻̻́͑̏̈̀͊͒͑̕͝t̴̨̹͖̪̖̩̬̩̖̹̭̜͓͎̑̍̽́̾̍ĩ̵̘̺͈̊̊̓̊̋̄͆̍͜͝ć̵̨͉̗̘͎̟̂̊͋ͅ.̴̢̬̗̻̀̅́͆̎̉͌̀̀̀͐̎̿.̵̢̡͚̪͎͙̣̙̅̄̏͆̿́̈́̈́̎͊͘͜͜͝ͅ.̴̡̡̜̱̝̦͖̰̳̜̘͖̍̐̒̐̉͆̀̉̇̏̏̀̅ͅ.̷̹̆̕͝ ̷̡̨͇̯͓̮͚̖͙̩̥̜̻͙̬́̾̈́L̴̛̛̬̏͒̂̓̈́̈́̄͛͘̕͘͠į̷̬̳͍̥͔̰̫̳̭̖̲͆̑͘͜͝ṯ̶̀͋̂̈́͂̀̿͋͠t̶̻̻͎͙̟̫̯̟͈͂̾̀̆̓̎̀̄͌͐͆́͘̚ļ̶̟̮̘͎̐̑̀̉̄̀͜͜ͅë̵̥̙̖̬͈̰̩͓̰́̓̾́̈̈̉̏̆̀̚ ̷̡̭̪̞̟͎̱̪̲̜͈̩̹̈́̄͌̍̌͘͜͠P̶͇͍̩̓́̽͑̈̓̈́̂̆̓̓̚u̶̧̙̼͑p̶̛͇̪̝̜̈͒̿̅̀̏͂̚͝p̷̧͎̟͔̟̱̗͙̰̼̾̈́͜e̸͓͈̙̥̚t̴̨͓̯̰͎̺̜̻͍̪͋̋

Cypher: w-what the fuck?

Cypher looked around and was trying to find the source of sound.... but only to find nothing just the frozen corridor he was currently in...

Cypher shivers more as his vision slowly dims he was so close to reach the door... but his body gave up... as he dropped to twb floor and he slowly passes out... but before he did... he heard the same tone of voice...

???: Ẁ̷̖e̷̛̹r̸̜̈́e̴̹͌ ̷̜͂ǵ̸̠ŏ̸̜ñ̶̠n̷̻͒á̴͙ ̶̼̌h̸̠̆a̴͎͊v̴̖͠ê̸͎ ̵͋ͅs̴͇̔o̵̹͑ ̴̘̓m̵̖̓u̶̪̾c̷͇͘h̸̘̀ ̸̭̽f̷̾ͅṵ̶̏ṇ̴̍ ̷̗̈L̸͎͒í̴̩t̴͓̒t̶̪̎l̷̼͌ë̸̱́ ̵̜͠O̶͇̓n̵͈̋ẻ̴̟.̷̞̈.̷͔̐.̷̳͂ ̴̮̕O̷̠̕h̶̦̀ ̷͕͂w̸̼̿h̶̹̉ạ̶̊t̸͚̄ ̴̮̌g̴͉̀a̶̢̚m̵̟͂e̴̮̾ ̴̯͋ẁ̷̖ḛ̶̉ ̸̗͊s̵̟̀h̶̖̃a̶̻̾l̸̛͇l̸̖͘ ̸͙̏p̸͖̌l̶̞̐a̸͇̍ý̶͎~̴̫͛

As the voice said once more.... but Cypher has already passes out...

End of Chapter 0

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