(Season 2) Chapter 1: Where the Hell are we?

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3rd Person POV

A loud thid was heard... as two males fell from the sky... they seem to have landed... somewhere.... but here exactly....

As much... the place is more futuristic... the area or somewhere they are...

Hmm... guess you can say... they were once passed out... but now there waking up.

Hank; ack! Ack!

Hank coughs as he looked around to wherever they are.... he seems unfamiliar with this place...

Hank: ow what the fuck... where are we?

Cypher slowly open his eyes...

Cypher: mmm? Huh... what in the?

Cypher looked around...

Cypher: why does everything look so futuristic and advanced?

Cypher asked himself as he slowly got up from.the ground... yep everything indeed look futuristic..

Hank: we better keep going... and and ... I don't know... find a place to stay....

Cypher: yeah..  let's go now...

As then both males were on their Merry way and find a nearby hotel...

Void's POV

Oh dear... they are here... in my dimension! Well isnt that a wonderful surprise.

Void: well well well... look like Cypher and his companion finally found my surprise homeworld... heh...

I spun my chair around and reached for the chocolate bar on the table and eat it... it was delicious...

Back to the matters on hands I looked through the cameras and see the duo walking around the city... really amazed... guess their technology are not as advanced as mine...

But oh well... hope they adapt tho this place.. and so is Cypher... he definitely will like it here or hope so...

But now... I have some other important business to attend to...

I stood up from my chair and walk out of the room...

Cypher's POV

So weree definitely in a more futuristic timeline or something... and that weird ass portal must have sent us here... theres gotta be another portal here... maybe it cam send me and Hank home... just hope so...

Cypher: man.. if this is an alternative timeline... guess the money we have wont work here...

Hank: yeah... correct...

I sighed and looked around but as I said that a small box appears in front of us...

Cypher: a box? Here?

I picked it up and saw something inwas shocked... it was a box of this timelines money... man...

Hank: instant money? Yeah!!!

Hank gave a smile as he grabs some cash I also got some as well...

Hank: oh well now we got money for us to use now...

Cypher: yeha... and now let's find a hotel for us to stay now...

Hank nodded as we both head out for a place to stay...

End of Chapter 1 of Season 2

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