Chapter 4: Fight or Flight?

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3rd Person POV

As the elevator ascend... Cypher was still unconscious... but he starts to slowly wake up... he rubbed his spot hwere his wound was... but he was surprised to see that the wound wasn't there anymore...

Cypher: huh? My wound... its not there anymore... how the heck that happened?

He slowly gets up... as he hears the elevator suddenly shut down...

Cypher: aw for pete sake...

He looked at the controls and hits the button but nothing happened...

Cypher; aw fuck this...

He tries to pry the elevator shaft open but he cant...

Cypher: damn there gotta be a somewhere to open this up...

As Cypher stepped back he felt something on his foot... his eyes widened as looks down to see a crowbar? On the floor he was sure there wasn't even a crowbar there before...

Cypher: oh nevermind... but how the hell is a crowbar here? I'm sure I didn't brought this crowbar...

He picked it up and puts on between the shaft and uses his strength to pry open the shaft... which he did succeeded this time...

Cypher: wohoo! That's great.. and ohh...

He looked at the new area he was in it was completely trashed... he looks at he was now possibly at an parking lot... wow a parking lot...

Cypher: damn it... a parking lot... I'm sure... it was supposed to he in the main building... not a parking lot...

He sighed as he gets out of the elevator.. as he walks he suddenly hears a woosh... in curiosity he looked behind him and sees the elevator is gone!

Cypher: what the hell?! Where the elevator go?!

He was both shocked and pissed... as he was being toyed by whoever this voice in his head doing ti him....

Cypher: is reality fucking warping?! Or is someone causing this reality to warp!

He was still mad as felt a paper thrown at him...

Cypher: ow who the fuck!

He rubbed his head and looks at the paper on the ground... he picked it up and was seriously getting more pissed...


Sincerely V"

Cypher is getting more irritated at this "V" person... he or she is getting on Cypher's nerves... he crumbles the paper... and threw it away....

Cypher: where are you!

He screamed at absolutely to no one... he walk around and looks more...

Cypher: come out!

As he yelled someone slowly comes out... and was approaching Cypher... but the person was holding a bat...


???: Sorry buster... but I'm not Mr. V

Cypher; well in that case!

He rushes to person and stabs the guy on the belly with the tip of the crowbar and kicked him to the ground repeatedly...

He grabbed the guy and dragged him...

???: ow ow! Hey! Where you taking me!

Cypher didn't talk but just keep dragging him still completely pissed...

???: your so dead buster!

Cypher: and what you makes said that huh!

He yelled back.. as more of the guys clones appears... they also wield a weapon of their choice...

Cypher grabbed the guy and used him as a shield temporarily...

???: You better let him go!

Cypher: or else waht! You kill me!

???: uh not exactly... just gonna break your bones or two....

Cypher: well I wont let you do that...

He gripped the crowbar on his hostage back more...

The hostage couldn't take much longer and yelled..


Cypher rolled his eyes and put both of his hands on the man neck and snapped it killing him...

The other grunts went furious and attacked Cypher.....

But Cypher grabbed the firts grunt and whacks him repeatedly with the crowbar as he looked at the other goon and punches him at the throat which causes said goon to collapses on the floor... he didn't saw the their one with a bat in his hand and whacks Cypher on his back...

Cypher growls and kicks the goon on the leg as he swing the crowbar on the man head knocking him out cold...

The same grunt he beaten up was on the floor and cant get up... Cypher looked back at the grunt and kicked him on the head repeatedly as his head which causes his head to crushed to bits...

Cypher: well that's fucking awful...

He walks further away as he didn't noticed another new goon was behind him... who just knocked him down with the wooden plank...

Cypher: aw fuck! Where you come from!

He rolled around and kicked the goon by the legs... Cypher quickly gets up and kicked the goon by the chest knocking him down....

Cypher looked back up and saw more of the goons appeared this suddenly start to pissed him off more...


He yelled at them... without another response the goons charge at him one by one...

He kicked the first goon on the neck while he swings the crowbar on the next goon which the tip of said crowbar stabbed the guy on the neck as his blood soaked around and choked him...

Cypher had enough of this thugs... he growld more and kills and stabs them one bye one... 

Cypher was completely blinded with anger as he went overboard on killing the thugs... as he finally calmed downed he breathed heavily as he noticed the carnage he caused... he sighs a bit and walks to see a mysterious door... as he walks towards it it opened...

Only to reveal more goons on the door...

Cypher: RAGHHH!!!!!

He yelled as he charged at them with much killing intent in his eyes... as he kills them... the sound of screaming and slashes was filled...

After the fight...

The next door opened to reveal a bloody Cypher walking out... with rage in his eyes...

Cypher: no more games... where the fuck are you...

He slowly walks as the shaft behind him closed...

End of Chapter 4

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