Chapter 8: Hank's Small Story

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Cypher's POV

Were finally out of the factory and we just were glad we did.... the factory... slowly blows up....

Luckily were kinda farther though or else me and Hank are toast... literally...

Cypher: so Hank... are you gonna tell me how the hell did you survived till you find me?

Hank: hehe~ I'm gonna tell you... and your way not gonna be interested in it...

Cypher: eh sure we got the time...

Hank: ok here it goes...

Flashback and Hank's POV

As I got a card and envelope from my employer Styx... I opened it and the person I need to be keeping an eye on was a guy named Cypher... he said... I need to be his bodyguard and protect him... and since it was my job....I was kinda glad he payed me a lot of money...

I looked at the photo at I was in my car and I saw the same car on my photo it was Cypher's car... I start the engine and I slowly follow him... it was kinda unexpected the area... he was heading at... it was a facility... and what the heck is he doing here? At an old and abandoning facility?

Hank: huh? What is he doing in a place like this?

I slowly keep looking as Cypher gets out of his car... he was muttering Cypher as I couldn't hear what he says.... I was confused for a moment...

He suddenly pulled a cigarette from his pocket and smokes... and he mutters once more before crossing the security tape and goes inside the facility...

Ok this is it...

I slowly got outside my car and get my assault rifle and shades on... I slowly head through the security tape and inside the facility... I keep lurking around as I look at Cypher was heading at... I looked in curiosity and followed him... but then... the area.... suddenly to have frost on the walls and around...

Hank: *mutters* w-what the f-fuck? S-so cold...

I can hear Cypher muttering as well... but I couldn't hear what he said as he falled to the floor.... and loosses his conscious...

But liked him... I slowly start to get more weak.... as I also fall to the floor and my breath got more weak as well...

Hank: s-so c-cold... w-why... h-how...

I asked at particular no one... as I passed out on the floor...

Hours Later.... Unknown Location....

I slowly worked up and I suddenly found myself in a bar? And it's also empty as well...

Hank: huh? This gotta be a dream... it has to be...

I suddenly looked around and saw it was empty... huh..

Hank: man... alone in an empty bar... what are the odds...

I walk to one of the seats and saw a lone drink in it I took... and drank... it was a fine taste too...

Hank: mmm~ tasty...

As then suddenly I heard the light gi out and theres one spotlight on the stage... my eyes widened as I looked up to it...

The curtains open to reveal a girl... wearing a dark clothing.. and she looks like a bunny... a bunny girl...

She walks towards the mic and she holds it as she was hiding to sing something...

Hank: hmm... guess just one song... and I'm outta here....

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