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Chapter Three: Love on the Brain


"Fuck!" I yelled as I punched my pillow. It did not relieve the slightest bit of anger I was feeling. They have another fucking nanny already!

"What's going on up there?" My mom said climbing the steps. I heard her approach my room as I sat on my bed wailing in anger. I threw a pillow at the wall trying to release this raging spirit.

"Honey, what's wrong?" She asked with her hands on her hips. She walked toward me sitting on the bed trying to console me. I began to calm down as my breathing was rigid. I wiped the remaining tears from my face. She smoothes my hair while humming.

"What's wrong Giselle?" She asked. My mouth opened wanting to tell her everything, but I couldn't let anything jeopardize my chance with him, not even my own mother.

"Macy Hightower took my date to the senior's final dance," I said making up some pathetic lie. My mom chuckled. I had no intention of going to that stupid dance. My agenda had changed.

"Oh, honey it's going to be okay. You have literally one week left for school no reason to get upset over Macy Hightower." She said reasoning. I bit the inside of my cheek scolding myself for not thinking of a better lie.

"Besides, I thought you and Macy were friends?" She asked.

"We are mom." I totally have to work on my lying skills. Mothers love to pry. I finally calmed down.

"I feel a migraine coming," I told her. She nodded her head.

"Do not take more than you're supposed to Giselle. Those things are expensive." She told me knowingly.

"I know mom," I said sitting up. She left the room for a few minutes before coming back with a glass of apple juice and a pill. I quickly took it. I wrapped myself in my blanket while leaning against the headboard. I sighed.

"Thanks, mommy," I said smiling not knowing what I'll do without her.

"How'd you figure this out? You came home early from your night out. It's not even twelve yet." She asked. Do you see what I mean? Mothers pry.

"She posted it," I said wiping my nose.

"Make room for me." My mom said slipping out of her house shoes. She climbed under the covers with me.

"You know girls are stupid, but not more than guys," she said while I giggled.

"You'll have guys falling at your feet when you get to college." I smiled knowing I'll have the one I finally want. I'm upset that I have to wait again. I waited til I turned eighteen so I can be more mature, and now I'm waiting until I start college. I can't be that upset considering becoming his nanny wasn't in the original plan. My mom's phone rings bringing me from my thoughts.

"Oh shoot. They want me to come in." She said after answering it.

"It's fine, I'm tired anyway," I said hugging her.

"This is more important than some extra money Giselle. I'm staying." I groaned.

"No, mom I am okay. I love you." I said smiling.

𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 | 𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now