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Chapter Fifteen: Needy


When I was younger, I seemed to always get what I wanted. Not to portray me as a brat, but it was simply just that. If I wanted it, I got it. Ironically, I didn't have my dad, but that was way out of my limits to hope and wish for.

I took it upon myself to get Gabriel D'Angelo by any, and I do mean any, means necessary. I thought of the perfect plan: attend the school where he instructs. It sounds simple enough, right? A few hiccups appeared, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

Then a godsend appeared.

Connor fucking Leonard. Gabriel's nephew. What a fucking coincidence? Now he may have made my plan a lot easier or more so sped up the process, but it just seems surreal. I question it every day: what are the odds of me running into his nephew? My entire life seems surreal just like this very moment. I just witnessed the man that I've been stalking for the past years pleasure himself while thinking about me.

Should I even question when or why he started thinking about me? I mean sure of course I want him to want me, but I didn't think I would experience or witness it like this. It hasn't been that long since my new encounter with him. It's only been a few weeks from my graduation up until now. That's beside the point, I've wanted him for so long, and now that I have a perfect chance and I'm rethinking my entire existence.

How should I play this? I think. I didn't have much time considering he just shut off the water.

Think Giselle. I frantically racked my brain for an idea and smiled like a Cheshire Cat when one came available. I'll do what I do best, and that plays a damsel in distress. It helps a lot that I'm under the influence otherwise I would be coming off as pathetic and needy. The last thing I need is for Gabriel to think I'm an immature little girl. I'm sure he'll grow tired of that act and will want nothing to do with me. Thankfully, I have Connor to fall back on. I'm starting to realize that it may have been a lot harder to seduce Gabriel on my own. Well maybe not. Either he really doesn't like me with Connor, or he does in fact want me.

Tonight proves just that.

Did that actually happen or did I imagine it? Am I delusional? Do I want him this much to the point I am imagining things? I know I'm drunk, but I'm positive I saw him. I was spying on him for goodness' sake.

I make my way out of his room still stumbling a bit even though I threw up earlier.

"Where should I land?" I ask myself. I quickly throw myself onto the floor of the living room landing on the thick plush rug. My head swirled a bit making me giggle. As if on cue, I heard footsteps. There's no way he's dressed that fast. I crack an eye open to see he's wrapped in only a towel. I smirk then began to groan to draw his attention.

"Jesus fucking Christ." I heard him cuss under his breath.

"Giselle?" He calls. I stayed still.

"Giselle, did you fall?" He asks.

"I- I don't k-know. I feel h-horrible." I say partiality telling the truth.

"Let me help you up." He says and I felt his strong arms scoop me up. I felt his soft yet damp skin. He felt warm. I lay carelessly in his arms as he carried me. It was almost like I was a princess being rescued by my knight in shining armor. He carried me effortlessly as if I weighed nothing. I groaned a few more times to give him the impression that I was drunker than I was letting on.

The next thing I felt was the thick plush blankets of the guest bed. I quickly bundle into the sheets welcoming their coolness of them.

"I'm s-sorry Mr. D'Angelo." I tell him.

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