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+update time!! wow i literally wrote this three years ago but i'm feeling soft and i miss the bois so here. i kinda believe in love again bc i be watching too many kdramas 💀. tbh i forgot all of the plot or whatever i had planned so i'm doing a big ol timeskip and starting again!


three years. damn.

it's been so long since i've written in here and a shit ton has happened since then, so let me fill you in. winter break of freshman year, my parents got a divorce. my dad got custody over me, but my mom kept the house and custody over my sister. i don't even know how that happened, but at least i'm glad kaylee can't yell at me anymore and just fucked off for good.

anyway, i moved halfway across the country with my dad and his boyfriend (he moved on pretty fast...i'm suspecting there was some overlap). we stayed there for three years and i had no friends because my socially inept ass couldn't talk to anyone at my new school. even though taylor tried to be sweet and facetime me every week, that didn't last for long. it's not even his fault. honestly, seeing his face made me sadder so i just lied and said i was busy. i was kinda mad depressed for a while, but i'm seeing someone for that now. that school was weird as fuck tho...i don't think my dad knew he enrolled me into a private mormon school until it was too late, i guess.

so one day my mom called and apparently my sister graduated college, so i could move in again. she was still living at home during school but i guess my mom finally kicked her out. i don't even think i had to move away for legal reasons and my mom just used it as an excuse so we wouldn't be fucking fighting all the time and it...kinda worked? a bit of an asshole move, mom, sending me away for three years, but whatever. so i could go back, but i wasn't even really sure i wanted to go back. nobody would remember me and i was pretty sure taylor hated me, or so i thought. somehow he got hold of the news and fucking called me crying, begging me to come back. it was 2 am, i think he forgot about the four hour time difference, but i was still so shocked that he missed me. anyway, we started talking again two months before the move, then i had to pack all my shit in a suitcase and take the flight back home alone.

and bam. here i am. back in my old room, one week before the start of senior year. they kinda turned my room into a place for storing random shit and basically a room for the cats. thank god my mom tried to clean it up before i arrived, she even got me this cute little potted bonsai tree, which was really nice. but, i still think i'm going to find cat hair on floor until i die. oh yeah, i'm allergic to cats, so my mom got two after i moved out. i guess another motive for sending me away. so i was vacuuming everywhere, every crevice, and that's when i stumbled upon this journal again. i just read some of the old pages and the freshman energy was roughh to get through. still though, i'm nostalgic for the simpler times with taylor's shenanigans...and jensen. jensen moon. i wonder if i'll ever see him again.

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