The start

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So! I'm here with another story! Whoop!

I also have already written a lot for this story, there is a reason this chapter is this long...

Okay, a couple of things:
I don't own Teen Wolf, (but I wish I did!)
I just borrow the characters!

I also borrowed the title from the song Beggin' from Madcon (but the song is popular again in my home country because of the band Maneskin).


Stiles is seventeen at the beginning of this story, Derek and Stiles aren't happening for quite some time in this story. As you see in the tags, it will be a poly relationship with Allison, and Allison and Stiles will come together sooner than they will be with Derek!

Have fun! And please leave kudos and comments! I love those!


Stiles groans when the doorbell rings, and he is forced to wake up. Everything hurts, and he is debating for a moment if he really was better of not going to the hospital last night.

He knows his dad had an early shift, and he has left Stiles alone after yesterday, thank god. Stiles knows that his dad didn't believe him when he told him that the opposite team had taken him and beaten him up. But what could Stiles say? 'Yo pops! I feel like I'm dying because Grandpa Argent beat my ass in the ground because I should have been a 'message'! Everything totally cool now though, Scott then betrayed Derek while betraying Grandpa Argent, and we hope that Grandpa Argent died, but nobody is sure! Ooh! And nobody even noticed that I was bleeding all over my jeep. Oh, you saw the dent in my jeep? Yeah, I ran over Jackson, who isn't dead. Surprise!'

Yeah. Not going to happen. Stiles likes to be free and not locked up in a loony bin. Thank you very much.

The doorbell rings again, and Stiles whimpers when he sits up. Fuck. He probably has some bruised ribs or something. He grumbles all the way down.

Then he opens the door and is shocked to see perfect strawberry blonde hair with piercing green eyes next to a scowling blonde asshole.

"Jesus Stilinski, you look like shit," Jackson says while standing on Stiles's porch, looking Stiles up and down with a sneer.

"Feel like it too. What the fuck do you want?" Stiles snaps. Already done with today, thankfully, his dad agreed that he should stay home the last week of school, so he wanted to chill and at least get some healing in before another supernatural shitshow would start. It also didn't help that his heart was broken yesterday.

He couldn't blame Lydia for choosing Jackson, but that didn't mean it hurt any less. But what really cut him was when Derek made it perfectly clear what he thought about Stiles.

Stiles watches with tears in his eyes how Lydia and Jackson fall in each other arms. He locks eyes with Jackson and quickly wipes his eyes. He doesn't need to give the jock any ammo for hurtful insults. He hisses when he feels the bruise on his cheek again.

Derek seems ready to leave the warehouse as soon as possible, but then he sees Stiles and the glare on his face becomes even fiercer. Stiles didn't even know that it was possible, but here comes the grumpy Alpha wolf himself. He grabs Stiles by his jacket and slams him against the jeep. Stiles whimpers because holy shit! He was just beaten up a couple of hours ago. He is one big bruise. To be manhandled like that hurts like hell now.

Derek releases him instantly, and it takes all of Stiles's strength so he won't fall down on the floor.

"You smell like Erica and Boyd."

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