The Nemeton

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Okay, I'm back sooner than I thought I would, but that's because I got lots of kudos and comments which made me vibrating in my seat to write more.

I hope you like the new chapter ;)

Oh, little warning; There is a little smut in this chapter between Stiles and an OMC.


Stiles curses his existence when he is woken up. The one day, he wasn't forced out of bed at six in the morning, and someone rings the fucking doorbell at nine. Fuck his life. He kicks at Jackson, but Jackson kicks right back, making Stiles roll more on Danny's chest. He huffs a laugh when Danny only groans but keeps sleeping.

He extracts himself with a lot of work and flailing limbs. ''I'll be right back, pup,'' Stiles says through a jawn while patting Jackson on the head. Jackson nuzzles into Lydia's hair, and Stiles can hear him mumble ''Not a pup.'' But Jackson should know that it's futile. He's the pup, end of the story.

Stiles puts on a shirt and doesn't know if it's his, Danny's, or Jackson's. He just shrugs and makes his way downstairs to scowl at the person who dared to wake him up.

He sees a note on the counter and decides to read it after he had a coffee and makes his way further to the front door. He opens the door with another jawn but freezes when he sees who's on the step.

''Allison?'' He questions. Why the hell is Allison Argent on his doorstep, she is fidgeting and seems agitated. She also doesn't look him in the eye. Stiles knows she didn't come here with ill intent. Otherwise, she would have been turned around by the wards he placed around his house/ packhouse.

''Hi, Stiles, I'm - I'm sorry to wake you because I obviously woke you, and that wasn't my intention, so sorry for that, and, uh, could I come in?'' She rushes out with a blush on her cheeks.

They both look up when they hear a crash, and Stiles rolls his eyes. Jackson presses against his shoulder and glares at Allison after a couple of moments. She is looking shocked and opens her mouth a couple of times but doesn't say anything. Probably too shocked by the appearing bodyguard.

Stiles sighs. There goes his day off. ''Come in Allison, do you want coffee?'' She nods, and she steps inside, Stiles stops her when the door closes behind her. ''Put all the weapons you have on your person here.'' He instructs before pointing at the bowl on the dresser in the hallway.

Allison gapes at him and looks between Stiles and Jackson, who both stand in her way to walk further into the home. She then silently nods and begins with putting her purse down. Then she starts with her boots which both have two knives hidden in each of them. Then there is a gun on her thigh beneath her skirt, then another knife in the back of her skirt, and then she pulls off her necklace. When Stiles raises an eyebrow in question, she shrugs. ''If activated, it gives an electronic pulse.''

''Wicked,'' Stiles says with a smirk, earning an elbow in the side from Jackson.

Stiles then flashes his eyes green and sees that she indeed put all her weapons away. Well, he doesn't doubt that she is also extremely trained with her fists and feet, but she doesn't have any weapons that could hurt Jackson, Danny, or Lydia.

She gasps when she sees his eyes.

''What-how?'' She stumbles. Stiles just waves a hand as to say, follow me. He just needs coffee then he will explain. Stiles Stilinski is not much of a talker until he has had his coffee.

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