Part 8

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Hello! I'm back!

Little warning, there is some fighting and non-con drugging in this one.

And a little smut, just a smidge!


Stiles is seriously irritated at the entire student body of Beacon Hills High School. He just returned three days after being taken, and everybody is gossiping. Unfortunately for Stiles, one of the deputies blabbed to his niece, who also is a student at BHHS.

So everybody knows about Stiles and Scott's abduction and the return of Cora Hale. They also know that Scott's boss is somehow involved, the veterinarian's office is closed, and Stiles had been bloody, so everybody who already wanted a piece of him is now even more interested because Stiles could have scars! Since when did scars become a good thing?

So he's irritated and a little afraid of what will happen when he's alone in the locker room.

''Bilinski! McCall!''

Stiles tuds his head against his locker, just what he needed, Coach.

''Yes, Coach?'' Scott asks, looking like an eager puppy, he subtly steps in front of Stiles, and Stiles tries to contain his smirk. Since Scott was freed of Deaton's compulsions, he immediately wanted to become Stiles's beta and submitted. The pack bond that formed was like steel, and Scott cried a little. Stiles didn't. He really didn't. Well, at least not when anyone saw it.

''You missed tryouts! I already spoke with Whittemore and Danny since they also missed it because they were 'worried' about you two.'' Coach says with quotation marks. Stiles raises his eyebrows, feeling a little amused. Coach isn't one for emotional shit.

''They are going to come tonight. I'm ready to give you two meatheads a second chance as well! But you need to earn it! Don't let me down cupcakes!''

''Cupcakes?'' Scott questions. With a weirded-out expression on his face.

''Sure, coach, we will be there,'' Stiles says while elbowing Scott in the side.

''Great! See you tonight, game faces on and everything, don't make me regret it!'' Coach threatens before storming off, yelling, ''Greenberg! Get your sock out of your mouth!''

Stiles shakes his head at the mental image of Greenberg with a sock in his mouth. Scott is almost bouncing next to him from excitement. ''Dude! I really thought I wouldn't get to play this year! Do you think I can be co-captain again?''

Stiles shrugs, ''Maybe, Jackson is the one that is going to be on your ass for the title, probably.''

Scott groans. ''I still can't believe he's your right hand,'' Scott grumbles, as he did every time since he found out. Stiles rolls his eyes and claps his friend on the back.

''Just think about it like this, Jackson was my first pup, but you're my best friend.''

Scott gets his thinking face on before enthusiastically nodding with a dopey smile. ''You're my best friend too,''

Stiles can't help himself but hug the guy. What Scott has been through this summer is awful. Thankfully he doesn't remember much—only feeling extremely lonely, which is Stiles trying to fix with his pack.

They quickly start to run to the next class when the next bell rings. They're just in time for chemistry, but of course, Harris sneers as soon as he sees Stiles.

''Almost late, mister Stilinski, don't let me catch you again this late to my class.''

Stiles just turns around without reacting to him and rolls his eyes at the rest of his pack that is in the class. Harris is always on Stiles' ass, and it's freaking annoying. He didn't even write about the male circumcision in Harris's class! He doesn't deserve the hate.

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