Part 4

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Another chapter! Have fun!

When Stiles finally has calmed Allison down, he drags the others with him to go home. They are in need of a serious puppy pile, and he isn't going to let them go tonight for anything.

After finally reaching the Stilinski home Stiles quickly orders pizza for the pack and then guides them to his bedroom, where everybody shuffles around until they are in their sleepwear. Stiles starts up a comfort movie, so no, Lydia, we are not watching the Notebook. And after another ten minutes, the pizza arrives.

Stiles makes sure everybody eats and drinks enough, and Lydia is the first to drift off. Jackson holds onto her. He hasn't said anything after finding out Peter is his father, but Stiles didn't really expect him to. Jackson needs to process this first. Thankfully he has Lydia and Danny, and Stiles and Allison, of course. Danny is now the big spoon to Jackson while Jackson has Lydia in his arms.

Stiles turns his head to look at Allison, she is also still silent, and Stiles worries about her. When Allison catches him looking, she smiles at him, then she lies down next to him and snuggles into his side. Stiles places a kiss on the top of her head and feels good when she sighs and tightens her grip. He has his arms around her and feels it when she relaxes and falls asleep. Soon Jackson and Danny also drift off, and Stiles is the only one awake.

He hears his dad come home and waits until his dad will open the bedroom door to check on them. After about twenty minutes, his dad does as expected, and the door opens.

He seems surprised that Stiles is still awake but shakes his head fondly.

"Everything alright?" He whispers at Stiles, just barely loud enough for Stiles to hear, but he does.

"No, did you feel the bonds today?"

"A little, but I'm not really good with it, kiddo." His dad sighs.

"Not a problem, dad. I will tell you in the morning, okay?"

"Yes, I will make pancakes."

"Awesome, your pancakes are the best."

"I know," His dad simply smirks before wishing Stiles goodnight and closing the door.

Stiles stays awake for some time but finally drifts off, curled around Allison with Danny at his back.


Stiles doesn't know why, but for some reason, he doesn't feel the same the next time they go to Griselda. The shop seems less bright, and the cookies even taste a little weird. He can feel the confusion coming from his pack, and he doubts telling Griselda about what happened with the Nemeton. They finally only tell her that the wards took and that they should work.

"Good work, Mieczy. I'm proud of you. How is the other training going? You know what I always say-" "Always have a backup plan," They all echo, smiling at her and taking another cookie.

The pack is getting really good at working together, and Stiles feels confident that they will be better if something will happen. It won't be a repeat like with the Alpha and Witch, even if they did win that fight.

The training they are doing is good. They work well together, and Stiles trained Danny's and Jackson's senses as much as possible. They are getting pretty good with their noses and ears. Jackson's Kanima side is a surprise, he can even pick up hidden scents.

After leaving Griselda's for the day, they decide to go to the woods for target training and hand-to-hand combat training. All the training is making Stiles more defined with muscles, and he doesn't feel shy anymore to pull off his shirt, especially not in front of Allison, who always winks at him as soon as his shirt comes off.

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