Part 12

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I'm back! *throws a new chapter at you after two months*



Just thirty long minutes, and he was out of there. He tried to ignore Miss Blake as much as possible. Thankfully, she acted embarrassed because Allison and Stiles had seen her in a very compromising position. So she already wasn't looking at Stiles at all. But still, he couldn't quite help it that the temperature dropped when she stepped into the classroom.

He had been listening to her for the last twenty minutes and resolutely didn't let his eyes stray from his English book, he would've had succeeded, but the bitch decided to call on him.

''Mister Stilinski, are you even listening to the lecture? Or are you further in your syllabi that you don't need to listen?'' Miss Blake snaps.

Stiles's head snapped up, and a couple of students snorted in amusement. He tried to hide his glare while trying to look abashed instead of hateful. Allison thankfully settled her hand on his bouncing knee without looking at him.

''Sorry, miss Blake, I was just distracted.'' He says in his most innocent-sounding voice.

''Don't let it happen again.'' She scolded, making Stiles's anger rise again. He really shouldn't open his mouth, but, well, she practically asked for it.

''Can't really help it, Miss. ADHD mind, you know, one moment it is English text, next math problems, then Econ rears its ugly head before my mind jumps to the history of male circumcision, and then I suddenly see my English teacher sitting on a di-'' Stiles rambled before rudely interrupted by Miss Blake's scream.

''MISTER STILINSKI!'' Miss Blake screeched, making his ears almost burst like they would with a Banshee scream. Her eyes were bulging out, and her face was as red as a tomato. Stiles knew it was an act, but she sold it pretty well. He was a little impressed with her acting skills.

''Detention! The rest of the week.'' She tried at a much calmer tone.

Lydia, beautiful, smart, cunning Lydia, raised her hand in a bored way. ''For what exactly, Miss Blake? He only was giving information about how his mind sometimes jumps to other subjects. You can hardly blame him for something he can't control, right?'' She said in a sweet voice, making Stiles send his glee through the bond. He saw her shivering from it, and the little uptick at her lips let him show how amused she was with his antics.

''He just stated that - that - he -'' Miss Blake spluttered while blushing furiously, but she didn't finish the sentence. So Stiles decided to help. Not even Allison's nails digging in his leg stopped him.

''I just wanted to say that I thought of you sitting on a dictionary,'' He replied with an innocent look and a pouty expression. Jackson had slapped his hand for his mouth to hide his snort, and Scott was biting his knuckle hard. Thankfully, Allison, Lydia, and Danny were composed, and Stiles could only hide his amusement from seeing her spluttering because he knew how the bitch really was underneath it all.

Miss Blake finally composed herself and decided to go back to ignoring Stiles all together. Stiles could work with that. He was afraid to use his magic because he was pretty sure she would pick up on it, so he was keeping to himself, staring angrily at his text.

When the bell finally rang, he was up and running out of the door as soon as possible, knowing his pack would follow quickly.

He waited by his jeep until Allison joined him. He then texted the whole pack that he and Allison were going to River and that the rest of the pack needed to stick together. He got some protests from the rest, but he knew they would listen to him.

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