Part 6

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I split up some of the chapters in smaller parts! So here is the second part of chapter five!

Have fun!


Stiles jumps out of his jeep with Allison exiting the other side. She immediately goes around the jeep to hold his hand. Jackson, Danny, and Lydia are just arriving and park next to the jeep.

Jackson and Danny greet Stiles with a manly hug while getting some scent marking done without anyone noticing, and Lydia gives him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. They then turn to the entrance of the school to see a lot of people gaping at them.

"Is it me, or are they looking at us?" Stiles frowns.

"They are. I can hear them gossiping. They are wondering when you stole your best friend's girlfriend and when you became hot." Jackson tells him with a smarmy smirk before throwing his arm around Lydia's shoulder.

Stiles groans but squares his shoulders. Just when they walk to the doors, he hears a sports car drive into the lot. He looks back to see Derek's Camaro drive into the lot, with Isaac, Erica, and Boyd exiting the car as soon as it stops. Stiles salutes to Derek, and he smirks before returning the gesture.

The only one missing is Scott, and Stiles feels a pang of loss. He is really worried about his best friend. Both packs walk into the school, but Derek's betas move away to their own classes. Stiles shares most of his classes with his own pack and is really glad. The only one he shares all of his classes with is Lydia. She has the same AP classes as him.

The day moves pretty much as expected, Harris is still a dick, and the rest of the teachers don't give them homework for the first day back. Scott ignores him every class they have together, and Stiles frowns at him. Why is Scott such an asshole? Stiles did nothing wrong, did he? Well.. He is together with Allison. But Scott broke up with her and turned her away when she came to apologize. And he didn't tell Scott about his magic. But how could he when Scott ignored all his texts?

During econ, Coach took one look at him and demanded that he try out for Lacrosse again. He told the man that he was already planning on it. Which made the Coach grin a little manically, but that was nothing new.

During lunch, he sees Scott again, but absolutely not as he expected. Stiles knows he's gaping, but he can't help it, okay! Scott just walked in with a set of handsome twins, looking completely at ease. What the actual fuck?

"What the actual fuck?" Stiles says, making the rest of the pack turn around. Danny starts choking on his juice immediately and doesn't look at the twins or Scott again. "Are you okay, Danny?" Stiles asks with a frown.

Danny shakes his head before pulling out his notepad and a pen, starting scrabbling something quickly before trusting the pad at Stiles.

Those are Alphas from the Alpha pack. The twins I saw with the help of the Nemeton.

Stiles's blood boils. What the actual fuck does Scott think he's doing. He almost wants to march over, but Allison stops him. She also scribbled something on the pad.

They can't know you're Alpha Genim. Not yet.

And damn, she's right, but Scott does know that he's an Alpha. So maybe they already know. Stiles looks up when someone puts their tray next to him. Erica, Isaac, and Boyd are all glaring at the twins and Scott and sit down with Stiles's group.

"Did you already know-"

"Just found out." Stiles quickly responded, not wanting to have this conversation while they could get overheard.

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