Part 11

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Thank you for reading this story! I don't own Teen Wolf, I just like to play with the characters!

Here is my new chapter, there is a little smut in it!

Have fun!


Stiles knows he should be wary of walking into a home he doesn't know, but as soon as River led him into his house, Stiles was practically ecstatic. And the Alpha was rather poor in hiding it.

''Oh my god! Is that a head?! Holy shit! Did that painting just move? Please tell me that this is a real dinosaur bone!'' Stiles rapidly asked, or rather squealed, when he looked around the house that was invisible until River bodily moved him to the right spot in the forest.

''Dude! You have the most amazing house ever! Can I live with you? I don't know if my dad will agree, but I think I can talk him around.'' Stiles said while poking at one of the weird-looking jars on the wall before his hand was slapped away by an irate-looking River.

''Absolutely not. I rather swim through a sewer than have you living here.'' River replied with a sneer. Stiles pouted at the older man, but the man wasn't swayed by his puppy dog eyes. Dammit.

''Ah! Come on-''

''No. And if you keep this up, I will kick you out, and you can find another to help you save yourself and your pack. And that other Alpha.'' River added with a wave of his hand as if that was final.

That did shut Stiles up. He was here on a mission. He needed River's help, or at least he was ready to listen to the guy, and hopefully, his pack would kick the Darach's ass for abusing Derek like this.

Stiles could still see how Derek reacted when he and Allison barged into the loft just a couple of days ago. And he regretted every second of not noticing that something was wrong with the Alpha.

He held Allison's hand while walking up the stairs towards the loft. He doesn't even have to use his key to open the loft door but is halted in his steps as soon as he looks towards the bed.

Derek is on his back with an ecstatic-looking miss Blake above him. She is moaning with her head thrown back, that is until Stiles lets out a gasp. Then she scrambles for the blankets and tries to cover herself up while practically shrieking at Derek. ''Oh my god! Derek, I thought the door was locked!?''

Derek growls and does nothing to cover himself. Stiles can't help himself but look at the man. He can't help it. He knew that Derek was gorgeous, but see him naked really did fry Stiles' brain for a moment. ''What are you doing here?'' Derek snarls out.

Stiles feels his heart plummet and his stomach roll. Allison and Stiles thought Derek didn't want them because of their age, because everything else seemed to fit just perfectly. They were ready to wait for a couple of months, just until Stiles was eighteen too, before trying again, not quite seducing him, but just 'suggest' a couple of things.

They weren't stupid. Stiles and Allison both knew it was more than just attraction. So they were more than ready to wait. But this? This is just.. Stiles just doesn't have words for it, and that never happens. They never expected someone else to warm Derek's bed. Since they have known him, he wasn't even remotely interested in someone. Well, only in them, but he even kept his distance from them.

''Are you two done gawking? We were in the middle of something.'' Derek says with a sneer.

Stiles feels something snap inside him, and rage, anger, jealousy, everything just takes over. Fuck no. Derek doesn't deserve anything from Stiles now, certainly not longing emotions.

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