Part 2

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He nuzzles the skin in front of him, feeling relaxed and warm. He tightens his arms, and he hears someone sigh in response.

"Stilinski, your dad is up." A gruff voice grumbles.

"Five more minutes." Stiles groans in response, pushing himself even closer to the body in front of him.

"Are you sure? Your dad is cool with two extra people in your bed?"

"Wh-what?" Stiles is suddenly waking up because someone is talking to him, and he has his arms around someone, and OH SHIT! He flails and pulls his arms back so quickly that he falls off the bed with a thud.


"Why do you keep falling down?" Lydia asks from above him. Stiles opens his eyes and glares weakly.

"It's not like it's my choice." He retorts, then he pushes himself up and looks down at the bed. Jackson is grinning at him, and Lydia isn't looking up at him but a lot lower-

"Nice, Stilinski." She says with a smirk. Stiles looks down and sees that he has his regular morning problem. He flails and grabs a book from his nightstand to put in front of his morning wood while blushing fiercely.

Lydia and Jackson both laugh, but for some reason, Stiles knows it's not harsh as if they want to hurt him with their laughter. It's more fond and teasing. But he still blushes.

"Har-har, yeah, I'm just a regular seventeen-year-old boy. Laugh it up." He says while making a movement with his arms as to say, 'keep it going.'

"Stiles, what you're packing is not regular for a seventeen-year-old boy."

"No, Stilinski, that's pretty impressive."

"Can we please stop talking about my dick?" He begs. Absolutely sure that his entire torso is red now. At least his boner has died down in mortification.

His dad chooses that moment to open the door without knocking. Stiles groans again and puts the book that he was holding in front of his crotch, in front of his face, while hitting his head a couple of times with it.

His dad is looking at the room like a gaping fish.

"Uh, I don't think I wanna know. So I'm going to ignore this. Do you all want some breakfast?"

"Yes, sir." "That would be nice, Sheriff."

"Great, Stiles, come help me while your guests get dressed."

Stiles nods, with the book still in front of his face, before putting it down and almost running out of the room without looking back.

When he enters the kitchen, he already knows that his dad will talk about what he saw upstairs.

"Dad, I don't know what you're thinking, but it's not that."

"So you haven't been sleeping with Jackson and Lydia last night?"

"Well, yeah, we did sleep-"

"My underage son shared a bed with a guy and a girl, a girl which he had a crush on since forever."

"Dad, it wasn't like that, honestly. Still a virgin here!" He says while waving his arms around like a lunatic.

His dad stops in his tracks for a moment before nodding again.

"Okay, but, did- did you like - in front of the club, was that- was that a real confession?"

Stiles is stunned for a moment before thinking back to the moment when his dad found him in front of the Jungle and 'couldn't be gay if he was wearing that.'

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