Part 9

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Allison's POV;

Allison was still disappointed about Derek's quick dismissal two weeks ago. She really thought that he wanted the same as them. He hadn't even shown up when they would train with the pack, only Isaac, Boyd, Erica, and Cora trained with them and wouldn't say anything about their Alpha.

Stiles was too stubborn to admit that he was hurt, so he just dismissed the fact that Derek wasn't there. But Allison knew that Derek was avoiding them. Allison wanted to ask where Derek was, but she hadn't had the best relationship with Derek's betas. So it seemed better to keep that particular question to herself, and Stiles refused to ask.

Allison looked at Stiles from where he was goofing around with Scott. They were on their way to lunch when Scott suddenly froze. Stiles noticed, of course, and waved his hand in front of his friend's face, but Scott stayed frozen. Allison followed to where he was looking and snorted. Stiles looked at her before also following Scott's look and then groaned out loud.

A cute Asian girl with long black hair and dark brown almond-shaped eyes walked down the stairs. Allison thinks that she has a Japanese heritage, but she isn't sure. The girl is trudging down the stairs before she flails and falls down the last two steps. She quickly stands and stammers out that she's okay with a big beaming smile. Oh god, she's perfect for Scott.

''Scott, you're drooling.'' Stiles stage whispers, making the pack laugh while Scott wipes his mouth before scowling at Stiles. Allison giggled at her boyfriend's antics and sidled up close to him. He kisses the side of her head after throwing an arm around her shoulder, and she melts in his side.

''Go talk to her,'' Stiles says when Scott still isn't moving. The girl is looking at her schedule, clearly a little lost. Scott nods, and Allison is almost afraid of his head falling off before he bounds over to the girl who beams at him when Scott introduces himself and proposes to help.

Stiles steers the pack away, so Scott has a little privacy with the new girl before they walk to their next class.

The new girl is apparently Kira, and her father is the new History teacher. Kira is quick to join them at lunch, and she is just a big ball of positive energy. Allison and Stiles quietly snicker at Scott's dreamy expression through lunch.

Allison was just talking with Lydia when Cora and Isaac walk over.

''Stiles, can we talk?'' Cora grits out. Stiles sucks in a breath through his teeth before nodding and walking with her. Allison quickly follows and ignores the weird look Kira is giving them. Jackson starts distracting her with a couple of questions, which is pretty hilarious because Jackson would've never done that before he joined Stiles's pack.

''What is it?'' Stiles asks as soon as they put a little distance between them and the pack.

''There is something in the Preserve again. Derek is sure it's an Alpha.'' Cora says with a scowl, clearly not amused to even be here.

''He isn't going after it alone, is he?'' Allison asks through gritted teeth because it wouldn't surprise her.

Cora gives her best bitch face at Allison, who just glares back.

Cora sighs but still sneers at Allison before responding. ''He is there right now, searching. Look, I don't know what you did, but he didn't even want us to ask you. But I thought he was being stupid, and I'm not getting captured again.'' Cora snarls out, but Allison can read between the lines. She is also afraid of losing Derek again. That's why she is telling Stiles that Derek is doing something stupid.

Stiles's face hardens, and it's clear that he isn't happy with the fact that Derek is throwing himself into danger.

''Let's go,'' Stiles says resolutely. Cora nods, and her shoulders sag a little in relief. Allison sends a text to the rest of the pack, and she knows they will follow as quickly as possible, but they can't say anything out loud if Kira is still there.

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