Part 5

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Hello again! There is a little smut in this chapter, but you can easily skip it if it's not your thing!


Waking up with a boner has been pretty standard the last couple of months. That's what you get by sleeping with five teenagers in one bed, Jackson ! But now it's a little different because, for one thing, he's cuddled together with Allison, his girlfriend. Yes, they only have been together for about a week and a couple of hours, but it's not like Stiles is counting or anything. Shut up.

He tries to untangle himself from her to take care of his little problem, but his arm is squished under her head. "Ally, Ally, could you let my arm go?" He whispers, not wanting to wake up anyone else because Lydia is a freaking nightmare in the early morning.

"No," Allison slurs while burrowing further in Stiles' embrace, which is fucking adorable to be honest, but at this moment, it's really not helping Stiles' predicament. She wiggles her ass even closer, and Stiles' breath is punched out of him while he tries to hold in a groan. Allison freezes but then rolls her hips on purpose. Stiles hisses and grips her hips for a moment to still her.

Allison turns her head and bites her lip, but Stiles is a coward. Especially if Danny, Jackson, and Lydia are still in bed. He flies out of bed with a completely red face and a lot of flailing until he's standing in the bathroom panting like he ran a marathon. He feels Allison's amusement through the pack bond and almost wants to send a middle finger back to her, but he doesn't know how.

He quickly gets himself together and goes to take a cold shower. When he walks back into the bedroom, he sees Allison grinning at him, and his irritation disappears like snow in the sun.

"Morning," She whispers. Stiles kneels next to the bed, so he's on eye level with her and kisses her nose just because he thinks it's cute. She giggles and gets out of bed to go downstairs with Stiles. The rest of the pack is still asleep, and Stiles's dad is already working.

They work together to get some breakfast, and Stiles loves the domestic feeling of it all. When they both have some coffee and have made breakfast for the rest of the pack, they hear the footsteps of the others. They had decided that they won't go for a run this morning because they would need their strength for the training with Derek's pack later today.

Lydia already seems ready to take on the world, even if it's eight in the morning, and nobody should talk to her before her coffee. Because however put together she looks, she is a grump in the morning. She gets a coffee from Allison and plants a kiss on her cheek in thanks.

"So, should we find another tutor? Because I think she did teach us correctly." Lydia starts while eating her fruit salad. They hadn't talked about everything that had happened with Griselda just yet. But apparently, Lydia was done walking on her eggshells.

Stiles rubs his hand through his hair. He doesn't want to be reminded of Griselda, but she did teach them a lot. Without her, they wouldn't have been able to protect the town like they are doing now. "Yeah, I think she taught us the right things so I would be more powerful so she could steal even more power when she would kill me," Stiles says bitterly, poking his egg with his fork.

Jackson claps him on the back and squeezes his shoulder for a bit of comfort, and he gives the beta a smile in thanks.

"Maybe we need to find someone that can verify it for us?" Lydia proposes.

"Nem could probably do that. He knows almost everything, he should know if we are on the right path, and I hope that he would have told us if we weren't." Stiles reasons and Lydia nods in agreement.

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