Part 7

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Multiple points of view in this chapter!

And a little action, just a smidge!


Derek's POV;

''STILES!'' Derek screams as soon as Stiles starts to cough. He wants to reach for him, but he still has a struggling Alpha beneath him. He bashes the woman's skull on the hard tiles until she blacks out from the force of it.

He scrambles up only to see Stiles's eyes go completely white. Stiles is looking at him, but he doubts Stiles is seeing him. Scott is sobbing and chanting ''No, no, no,'' in the background. Derek is torn for a moment who he should be helping first. Scott is clearly being hurt, but Stiles is now out cold!

''Your magic is going to be extraordinary when I'm done with you,'' Deucalion says in awe while cupping Stiles's cheek. And Derek snaps. He can't have that. He will not have Deucalion take Stiles! He fears for what Deucalion can do to him. The stories that he heard about the Demon Wolf can be vomit-inducing.

Stiles collapses onto the floor, and his eyes close. It's that Derek can still hear his heartbeat. Otherwise, he would panic even further. Allison is probably going to kill him if anything happens with Stiles while under Derek's watch.

He never thought he would feel fear like this again, not after his last pack bond broke when Laura died. He doesn't fear being killed by Allison, but for what will happen with Stiles. This teenager has grown under his skin in just a year.

Derek roars and tries to lunge at the Demon Wolf, but the spell that Stiles had on Deucalion and Deaton was gone. So, just before Derek can reach the wolf, he crashes against an invisible barrier. He looks down and sees the Mountain Ash barrier that Deaton must've thrown up just now.

Derek snarls at Deaton, who just looks smugly before opening the ash line of the other Alpha and the one where Scott is still huddled. Ennis, the Alpha wolf that bit Paige all those years ago, runs to Kali, the female wolf who is still out of it. Derek would love to rip the man apart, but he can't get out of this barrier.

Derek pounds against his barrier. Even if Scott betrayed him in the worst way possible just a couple of months ago, he could see how much Scott is hurting. How much Scott has been struggling.

''No, no, no, I did as you asked, don't hurt him, don't hurt him!'' Scott sobs out, pleading on his knees and scrambling back and away from Deaton. Derek's heart breaks a little for the stubborn beta. Could it be that Scott always has been influenced by Deaton? Derek knows about the Elpen ash and the grey monnikswood. Could it be that Scott was under the influence longer than they thought? Derek feels the familiar guilt rise in him. It tastes sour in his mouth.

''Get away from him!'' Derek roars, not entirely sure he means if they should get away from Stiles or Scott. But both would be good. He keeps pounding on the ash line, but it won't move an inch.

''Derek Hale, my sincere apologies for cutting our time short today, but to have been delivered such a delicious present, well, I can't wait to get my hands on it,'' Deucalion says with a smarmy smirk, making Derek bite back bile. What is this man going to do to Stiles? He can't hurt him! He can't!

''If you touch him, I'm going to rip you to shreds!'' Derek roars.

Deucalion just chuckles, ''I think you need to be able to get out of that barrier first.'' He muses.

Then Deucalion turns to Ennis, who has Kali cradled in his arms, he is growling at Derek, but Derek doesn't care. He can't get out of the barrier, but that also means Ennis can't get in.

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