Part 10

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I'm not gonna lie, this one is going to hurt.

A warning for rape and non-con drug use!

Disclaimer; I don't own anything from Teen Wolf!


Derek's POV;

Derek is panicking. He had heard the jeep park on the gravel in front of the building. He had heard the steps they took on the stairs. He even listened to their heartbeats and knew that this would go horribly, horribly wrong.

The door slides open, and before Stiles can talk, he gasps as soon as he sees Derek. Allison makes a noise in the back of her throat that others would call a pained whine, but she won't ever admit to that. She's too strong to let anyone know that she can break.

''Oh my god! Derek, I thought the door was locked!?'' Jennifer screams while scrambling off him to gather herself in a blanket. Trying to shield her students from her naked body.

Derek struggles and screams, but his voice and body don't listen. ''What are you doing here?'' He growls at the two teens.

He's greeted with silence and screams and roars inside his head, trying to let them know that this isn't him, he isn't pulling the strings, it's only his body, but not his mind. And please, please, please help me...

But that's not what comes out of his mouth. ''Are you two done gawking? We were in the middle of something.''

Stiles and Allison's eyes harden, and their postures stiffen almost at the same time.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. This isn't what he wants. Why don't they see that? Why don't they see what is happening?

But he can't blame them. The picture Jennifer painted is enough for Stiles and Allison to believe. It's his own fault, really. He should have never pushed them away, so what if they are younger? He could've just explained that he can't touch them until they turn eighteen, wouldn't touch them because of what happened between him and Kate. They would've understood.

And now, Jennifer. Jennifer who drugged him and is controlling him since that night. Shit, he needs them to get away, to keep them safe. He knows Jennifer wants Stiles's power, but she never explained how she wants to take it.

From what Stiles had explained, it would definitely mean killing Stiles. And that's unacceptable.

Stiles squares his shoulders and glares at Derek.

Yes, yes, yes, be angry at me, and go. Go away, and be safe.

Stiles grabs Allison's hand and tugs, she flinches a little when she takes a step, and Derek really hopes she's okay. His betas did explain what happened in the clearing when they woke him up, but he had sent them away when they were back at the loft, knowing that Jennifer could show up at any minute.

They argued, but he Alpha ordered them, not wanting them there when Jennifer would take advantage, or even worse, would turn on them.

''We were coming to check on you, asshole. You were hurt.'' Stiles grits out with a glare before tugging at Allison's hand again. ''Come on, Ally. He made it clear.''

The broken look in Stiles's eyes betrays how he really feels, even if his voice doesn't waver. Derek knows that he hurt them, all because of Jennifer. He wants to slash her throat, cut her into pieces and offer them to Allison and Stiles, but it's too late. He isn't in control of his own body. And he doubts they want anything to do with him now.

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