Chapter 1

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"Mrs. Min, all the papers are here, the meeting with Mr. Woo was cancelled due to some problems in their company." My assistant voiced out.

"Oh so I don't have any more plans this afternoon?" 

"Yes ma'am,"

"Okay you may go." As I dismissed her, I got my phone and called my husband.

"Hon, where are you?" I asked as soon as he answered.
(At my office, hon I'm in the middle of the meeting, I'll call you back. I love you)
"I love you bye." I dropped the call.

I finished signing and sorting some papers, I also cleaned my table and sorted some documents.

Since I don't have anything else to do, I decided to go to our restaurant near my office. 

We have different offices, I manage my family's cafe and restaurants and he manages his family's hotel and malls.

I just bought some snacks and his favorite coffee to give to him before I go home so he has food to eat while working. I drove to his office. It's just about a 10 minutes ride from my office to his.

"Good Afternoon," the chauffeur greeted me as I handed him my car keys.

"I'll be back soon, I'll just drop this off," 

"Okay ma'am, I'll just move it a bit to the side so you can leave easier later,"

"Thank you." I walked into the building and all of his workers greeted me as they knew that I am the wife of their boss.

"Hi Shae, is his meeting already done?" I asked the attendant.

"Uhm… ma'am he already finished his last meeting earlier at 11am." She answered.

I looked at my wrist watch, it was almost 5pm but didn't he just tell me that he was in a meeting? Or what?

"Uhh okay, by the way where is he?" 
"In his office ma'am." She answered.
"Okay thank you." I answered her. 

I walked straight to left since his office is at the far left of the 7th floor. I noticed that his secretary was not at her desk outside his office but I didn't mind that. 

I opened the first door and his meeting room was empty, as I walked near his office main door I heard some noises and I can't pinpoint what noises are those… As I opened the door, I forgot how to breathe.

Still You | Yoongi FF [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now