Chapter 10

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Y/n’s POV

I’m already on my month so I wasn’t allowed to be alone, even if we have housemaids Yoongi still wants some guys here at the house in case of emergency, that’s why Jk and Jimin are here right now and we’re just watching Frozen while eating ice cream at the sala when I felt a pain on my lower abdomen. 

I was trying to bear the pain but it wasn’t bearable. I clenched the hand I held. It was Jimin and he looked at me. When he realized what was happening, my water broke and the sofa became wet.

“Are you oh my god wait… Jungkookssi!!!”

“What, why, why is the sofa wet?”

“Her water broke.” Jimin was already dialing something on her phone.

“Her water broke so what-... YOUR ABOUT TO GIVE BIRTH OMYGOD!” then Jk also started dialing on his phone.

“HYUNG ANSWER!” Jimin shouted.

“You… both… calm down” I said while holding my tummy. Why am I with these two in the critical state of my life??

“Hyung!! Her water broke. What are we going to do? Yoongi hyung is not answering!!” Then I heard a shout from the phone.




“Stop shouting… I need to go to the hospital.”


“Calm down ma’am, breathe in, breathe out.” She held my hand.

“I… think.. These two… should be… the one… to calm down..”

Yoongi’s POV

I was in the middle of a company meeting, just orienting new hires and modifying rules when I saw my phone lit up, it was Jimin, I cancelled the call I’m sure he’ll just annoy me. 

But then he called again, so I cancelled it again, and he called again. If this is nothing important I swear, I’ll punch this guy on his throat.

“If this isn’t-...” I was cut off by a shout.


“Why? I’m in the middle of a meeting.”


“WHAT!?” I shouted and stood up. All my employees turned to me.

“Is there something wrong sir?”

“Uh.. I have to go… Reschedule this meeting… it’s just that my baby, he’s coming today.” my employees gasp and smile.

“Congratulations Sir.” I heard them. I bowed and ran out of the room, I ran to my office and got my bag and ran out. 

“Jiyon, cancel all my appointments for a week, send me updates through email and call me if it’s very important only.”

“Noted Sir.” 

I don’t know how fast I got to the hospital but now I am already outside the Delivery room, I can’t calm myself down. 

I keep pacing back and forth. Time passed almost 2 hours but they’re still inside and no one approached me.

“Who is the husband?”A Doctor suddenly showed up.

“Me, I am.”

“This way sir.” She guided the way and gave me the things I needed so I put it on, and she went inside so I followed.

“Hon” I came to her side, I held her hand.

“She’s been in a 2-hour labour, and now she’s about to give birth.” I nodded. 

I look at my pale wife, pain is very visible in her eyes and all  could do was hold her hand.

“You're doing well hon, keep going.” She smiled at me.

And the doctor said that the head was already visible so she kept on pushing and was literally crushing my hand, until I heard a cry. 

I immediately looked at my wife, she was smiling while her eyes were closed, I held her hand and squeezed it.

“You did well hon, I love you so much,” She fell asleep. The doctor told me to go out first and followed her to her room, so I went out. My friends approached me when I got out.

“How’s y/n? The baby?”


“I heard his first cries, she did so well. I'm proud of my love.” I told them.

“Yoongi?? Where is she??” I heard.

“Eomma she’s still in the delivery room, but she’s already done.”

“Oh Thank God it was successful!”

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