Chapter 8

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I was driving, on my way to Yoongi's office, the last time I drove there was... ah no, stop thinking that you're making yourself stress y/n! I got out of my car and the chauffeur was shocked.

"It's nice to see you again Mrs. Min." he said, smiling at me.

"Nice to see you again too," I walked towards the entrance and people turned their heads looking at me. There are alot of workers greeting me with a smile while the others just bow, maybe they don't know me, it's fine either way.

I walked in the elevator and waited for it to stop on his floor. I was walking towards the attendant when I noticed the workers were new, they were all male, where's Shae?

"Ma'am I'm sorry but do you have an appointment with Mr. Min?" he asked.


"No females are allowed in this floor ma'am, I'm sorry please wait in the waiting area on the 6th floor" he said sternly while giving me an apologetic smile. No females? He did this?

"A little favor please call Mr. Min and say y/n is here." I said, he looked at me and proceeded with the call, I saw him widen his eyes and not a minute passed I saw a figure running in the hallway. It was him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"She's my wife, remember her." he also told the two guys at the attendants desk. They both bowed.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Min, I'm new here. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, don't worry."

"Why are you here all of a sudden? Let's go to my office." We were walking towards his office and I tried checking what I would feel seeing it again. His office was reorganized, it was far different from before almost everything was replaced. I felt comfortable seeing it.

"Uhm.. Are you busy?" I asked him when we entered his office. He walked towards the shelf. I was surprised when it was in the refrigerator.

"No, it's just a normal day with papers, why? Do you want milk? I have strawberry flavored"

"I want it." He got milk and came to me.

"So?" he raised his eyebrow asking. I drank first my milk

"I have a doctor's appointment by 11am, do you want to come?" he looked surprised, he was trying hard not to smile but failed.

"Of course, I'll come. Come on." he ran to his desk and turned off his laptop and desktop and got his coat and bag then ran to me again.

"Is this a monthly check up of yours? Where will we go?"

"Ani... uhm... It's time for my ultrasound for the baby's gender." he stopped walking, i saw him pinch himself.

"Shit it's true... I'll be seeing our baby."

"Come on."

"Jiyon, cancel all appointments today, I'll be out." he told his new secretary.

"Noted Sir." he bowed.

He was smiling until we got to the lobby's entrance. He looked so happy, and so do I. I just don't want him to see it, yet.

"Do you have your car? Let's just use mine, and get a driver to bring it home, sounds good?" he asked.

"Yeah." I said.

He drove to my doctor's clinic and we arrived in no time. He looked so excited, hay... I never thought i'll fall for you again Yoongi. When we arrived, it was not crowded but there were a lot of people. I saw him on full alert so that no one would bump into me. We came to the clinic and got in.

"Mr. and Mrs. Min Good Afternoon, how's your day?"

"It's good," I said.

"It's great," he answered.

"So you know, right? I'll be doing an ultrasound, so lay down on the bed and put your shirt just below the chest okay?" I stood up and sat up on the bed. Yoongi was just behind me and holding my bag. He was standing beside me and the doctor started the ultrasound.

"Congratulations, It was a healthy baby boy." the doctor said while looking at the screen.

"Thank you Lord" I heard him. He held my hand and smiled at me, I smiled slightly at him. The appointment came to an end and we headed back to the car.

"Do you want to go to the mall and buy stuff?" he asked.

"Okay let's go" I answered him. We were silent in the car but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was fine. We came to the nearest mall and looked for supplies.


"Is 5 bottles enough?" I chuckle.

"Our baby is just one, two or three bottles are enough"

"I want to buy him shoes similar to mine, or I'll just buy customized ones."

"Is this too small?" he asked while looking at the crib, a 6-year old can even fit in there.

"That's fine." I said.

"Is this enough?" he probably is talking to himself since he didn't even face me.

"Are there shampoo for newborns?" he asked the saleslady.

"Here sir"

"Ah thank you" he put 3 and then another one, maybe thinking again if it's enough. Hays Yoongi.

I was looking at him, he was enjoying, our cart is almost full because of the unnecessary things he bought, he frickin bought 7 packs of newborn diaper and 4 of small size, he also bought a lot of baby clothes, he was having fun looking for baby things and I was having fun looking at him. How could I love you this much? We went home and had dinner together.

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