Chapter 2

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I was plainly looking at the two figures at the desk, the girl was sitting on the desk, without any shirt on while kissing this half naked guy. 

I can't comprehend what was going on and I can't even utter a word. 

I was still standing at the door slowly realizing what was happening and as soon as I got my senses back, I walked towards my husband and his supposed secretary. 

I parted them and slapped my husband's face as hard as I could, and slapped this sluts face also. This mother fucking bitch.

"H-hon," he uttered, holding his cheeks looking at me with that shocked and scared face. 

"Hello my husband, is this the 'meeting' you're talking about?" I laugh with disgust.

"Hi Ms. Kim, how does my slap feel? What does my husband taste like?" I asked the bitch.

"Hon…. Let's- let's talk-.." I cut him off.

"Talk about what 'hon'?" I was so fucking mad I don't have tears.

"This-... it's-" he can't even make a phrase.

"It's a mistake? It's an accident? What are you going to say? That you accidentaly made your fucking secretary sit on that fucking desk and accidentaly fucking make out? How many times you both did this? Once? Twice? Every fucking day?" I shouted at them.

"Twice," the girl answered. I turned to her and grabbed her hair and pulled her down to the ground.

"You fucking slut," I slapped her once and got on top of her. "How dare you?" I slapped her again. "Everyone in this fucking building knows we are married and you," I slapped her again. "You fucking destroyed it," I punched her fucking face. I was about to punch her again when a hand stopped me.

"Hon stop please" he looks begging, how pathetic.

"So your still going to defend this slut? Ha guess you have chosen." I got up and walked out the room.

Third person's POV

Y/n walked out the room while Yoongi looked for his shirt that was laying on the ground and put it on when the girl held his hand.

"Don't chase her," the girl said.

"Don't touch me. That's my wife you shit. And you're fired, don't even get near my building again." 

He hurriedly got his car keys and ran to the elevators, all of them were full. That's why he took the stairs praying in his mind that he met his wife downstairs. 

Yoongi while still at the 5th floor stairs when Y/n got out of the elevator and walked fast to his car with eyes full of tears. 

All of her emotions are getting into her and she's near breaking down. 

The chauffeur saw her and immediately gave her car keys she didn't utter a word to him and got in her car and drove away fast. Not near 5 mins past Yoongi met the chauffer.

"My-.. wife-.. w-where?" He asked panting from running the stairs from 7th to ground floor.

"She just left sir but she clearly doesn't look suitable for driving,"

"What do-.. you mean?" Still chasing his breath.

"She looked zoned out while her eyes are full of tears," 

"Shit" Yoongi ran again to his car in the parking lot and drove fast to his house.

Y/n doesn't even know how she was able to drive home but she didn't even park inside their house, she parked outside so she could leave easier. 

As soon as she got inside their house her tears ran again continuously and looked like it wasn't stopping anytime she hurriedly came to their room and locked the door, she got her suitcase and got her clothes, shove it all in when she saw the picture in the bedside table- their picture. 

She got it and throw it on the ground, she feels her anger ranging too much she broke down into tears and shouted her heart out. 

"WHY!" she shouted at the top of her lungs. She walked to the table with all of their photos and knocked it off, all crashing sounds were the one clear in the room, when she saw herself in the mirror she punched it causing her knuckles to bleed. 

Yoongi arrived at their house parked his car at the back of Y/n's car and rushed inside. She saw their head maid knocking and looked really worried outside their room. 

When he also heard the crashing sound of glasses inside their room, he could also hear his wife's screams and cries, he felt the pain in his chest knowing it was his fault his wife was in that case. He started knocking on the door hoping his wife will open up.

"HON PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!" he shouted. 

As soon as she heard his husbands voice, the memory of him with his secretary came flashing in her eyes causing her to scream more, she saw the portrait of their wedding day she punched it also making her other knuckles to bleed, so both of her knuckles are bleeding but it wasn't painful for her  she can only feel the pain in her chest, clenching her chest, crying and slowly her sight became blurry and black.

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