Chapter 3

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Yoongi was still knocking when he heard the crashing and screamings stopped, making his heart skip a beat. Following it was a loud thud making him nervous of what happened to his wife.

"Ajumma the spare key!" He shouts to his auntie who got the key, as soon as he held the key he entered the room and was shocked by the mess, everything was shattered, from the picture frames on the floor to the vases, the mirror and even their portrait that is still hanging on the wall. 

And he saw his wife unconscious on the floor. He immediately got to her and picked her up, he saw the blood coming from her hand.

"Ajuma please clean the room, I'll bring her to the hospital." he carried his wife and ran down the stairs.

When they got into the emergency room, his hands were trembling, he was pacing back and forth waiting for the doctor when his phone rang.

"Yoboseyo?" He answered without thinking.

"Hyung where are you? Were here at your office and the attendant said something happened with you and Y/n"

"I'm at the emergency room, Dowan Hospital" he said then dropped the call. He was sitting on the bench when JK, Jin and Namjoon came.

"Hyung" JK called.

Yoongi's POV

"Hyung," I turn to look at them.

"What happened?" I heard Jin ask.

"I fucked up…. so bad"

"What happened specifically?" Namjoon asked.

"I…. I…… I cheated." 

"Wait pardon?" JK asked.

"I cheated on her with my secretary," I said.

"What the fuck" the three cursed in unison.

"Hyung….. how….. I mean….. You loved y/n so much"

"I love her so much," I said sternly.

"Then why?" Jin seriously asked.

"I don't know….. I won't defend myself…. It's just- I find them similar, my wife and secretary, I fucked up. And now I realize my wife is just y/n, and no one can be compared to her."

"What happened to her?" Namjoon asked.

"I arrive at the house, she was smashing things inside our room while crying and screaming then it stopped then I heard a loud thump on the ground, I found her unconscious there"

"What happened in the office?" Jin asked.

I told them the story and after it, they all went silent. It almost took 2hrs when a doctor approached me.

"Are you the family of the patient?"

"I'm her husband." I stood up.

"Oh Mr. Min. Let's have a chat in my office, she'll be transferred to room 210" I nod and follow her leaving the boys behind, I know they'll follow y/n to her room.

"Mr. Min take a seat" I sat on the chair.

"Since I was the one who checked up on her, I'm the one giving prescriptions but you can always change doctors. This is for her vitamins, I saw that her Iron is below the average level and also her sugar. Don't worry they're both healthy, she was just exhausted that's why she fell unconscious" 

What? Did I hear it right? They?

"Doc they? Why they?" I want to confirm it so I know I was not hallucinating or anything.

"Yes, they. Your wife is 7 weeks pregnant  congratulations. Luckily I Printed out her ultrasound, it looks like your first picture of the baby. " She handed me the ultrasound photos. I was lost. My wife…….. is pregnant. I fucked up so hard.

"The baby is healthy but always remember that stress may have a bad effect on the baby." She reminded me.

"Thank you" I stood up and bowed to her then went out. I was holding her prescription and the photos, I slowly walked to the second floor and entered her room when I got there. 

She was silently sleeping while the three guys were on the sofa, I walked to them and sat on the sofa beside Jin and broke down to tears. 


"Yoongi why" I handed Jin the photos. I continued crying in front of my friends I can't explain, I fucking hurt my wife while she was pregnant with our first baby. 

I felt the pain in my chest and I know this was none compared to the pain I made her feel. Oh Lord, what have I done? 

I tried calming myself down after a few minutes and decided to sit beside her bed, I looked at her beautiful face, her eyes a bit swollen from crying, her long lashes, her cheeks I love kissing, her nose that I love pinching, that lips oh God my wife, I'm so sorry. 

A tear escaped my eye as I sat down, I held her hand that's wrapped in gauze. I kissed her hand. It was almost midnight, a lot happened that day and the only thing that is good is that I found out that we're going to have a baby. 

I sat here and just looked at her face for hours. I already sent a message to her family about the great news, I also sent a message to my family who is currently in Daegu. The three were still here, they slept on the couch and sofa bed while I'm still here at the bedside. 

I didn't feel like sleeping. That's why the sun is starting to rise and I'm still just looking at my wife. The three woke up and Jin and Namjoon presented to buy some breakfast for us. 

I was looking at her when she suddenly moved and slowly opened her eyes she was adjusting to the light and I saw how her eyes were immediately filled with tears and then she saw me, and looked at my hand holding her hand and she literally shoved her hand and looked at me without any expression but with eyes filled with tears.

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