Chapter 4

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I moved and opened my eyes, I shutted it again when it was too bright, I waited until my vision wasn't blurry but then I remembered, the office, the girl, my husband, my eyes were filled with tears when I saw someone on my bedside, someone I don't even wanna see and I also saw his hand holding mine and immediately got my hand away from him.

"What are you feeling? Do you want me to call the doctor?"

"Get away from me, I don't know you," I told him, my voice isn't well after all that screaming.

Third Person's POV

"Get away from me, I don't know you" Y/n said without any expression that made Yoongi stop. 

"Hon? I'm your husband, are you-" he was cut off.

"I don't have a husband, now go away" she said looking straight into his eyes. 

He stood up and went out of the room. Jk approached Y/n to check if she's okay.

"Y/n uhm… do you need anything? Water?" 

"Water," she answered. She can still feel the exhaustion from the things that happened yesterday. 

Jk gave him the water and she drank it in one go. The two came back seeing Yoongi outside the room.

"Yoongi, why are you there? Go inside, let's eat." 

"She doesn't want to see me, give her breakfast and maybe tell her the news" the two nodded and got inside.

"Uri Sofi, what are you feeling?" Y/n turned and looked at them.

"Why are you here?" 

"Uh just this and that. We bought you breakfast." 

Yoongi was still outside on his phone telling the attendant to find him a new guy secretary and that he wasn't going to the office. 

"Yoongi? Why are you here?" He turned and saw the parents of her wife.

"Uhm she's awake, something just happened." I can't tell them they might hate me and curse me for cheating on their daughter.

"I understand, Don't worry, it's normal for her to be like that, you know pregnancy hormones make us very moody. We'll get inside," They got inside and walked to their daughter.

"Mom? Dad? Why are you both here?"

"Of course we need to congratulate you" Her mom answered.

"Good morning Ajuma, Samchon" the three greeted the elderly.

"Oh you're here, good morning" the auntie answered.

"Congratulate me with what?" 

"Your pregnancy honey" his dad answered.

"I am? What? No." Y/n was lost, she didn't know what they were talking about. Jin handed her something.

"Is this….. my baby?" Y/n looked at the photos, the baby is still unclear but the built of it is already there. 

Her tears fell, her emotions were again overflowing. The three decided to go out, when they opened the door the first thing Yoongi heard was-

"I want a divorce" and the door was shut. 

He froze, his mind went blank after hearing those words from his wife. His heart felt like it was literally tearing apart.

"What? Why?" Y/n's mom asked.

"I just want to. I can raise my child alone, I have the company I can provide alone-" she was cut off by her father.

"No Y/n. You can provide for your child alone but I can't let my grandchild grow up with a broken family. Get to your senses y/n, your husband is just outside." His dad said with authority.

"But dad you don't understand-" she was again cut off but now by her mom.

"Honey you both can surpass any problems okay? It's just that you're very affected with your pregnancy hormones okay? You'll be okay after some time, okay? We have to go now, we just drop by to check on you" her mom kissed her head. And the elders went outside.

Time passed and she's now home, even if she doesn't want to go home to this house she has no other choice since her parents won't allow her to move out from their house. 

She was walking silently while Yoongi was on her back following her inside the house. She came straight to their guest room and shut the door. 

Yoongi saw that and he sighed, he knows how her wife hates going back to their house, she just doesn't have a choice that's why she's here.

3 weeks passed. 

Their normal days were both of them going to work and they didn't even meet in the house, y/n had all her things in the guest room and was contented there alone. 

It was both they're day off, it's a sunday. Yoongi and y/n got out of their room at the same time and met at the hallway before the stairs but y/n didn't even glanced at Yoongi. Yoongi was contemplating if he should talk to her or not but in the end he tried talking to her.

"Hon can we talk?" Yoongi asked y/n while she was getting milk in the fridge. She didn't answer.

"Hon please" 


"Can we please talk"

"Hon" He still didn't get any answer and Sofia was starting to get annoyed.

"Hon please can we talk" and finally she answered.


"Hon please can we talk" I was so done with this.

"Talk about what?" I asked him.

"Talk about what happened and-" I cut him off.

"What happened?" 

"Hon please listen-"

"Don't fucking call me 'hon', it's disgusting" I said looking at him straight.

"Y/n let's talk calmly" 

"Talk about what!?" I said as my voice got higher.

"What will happen to us?" He asked, I can see sadness in his eyes, but it didn't affect me.

"Nothing. I'm just here because my parents won't allow me to fucking move out and divorce with you" I said, I saw him stiffened.

"No-... you can't divorce me," he said.

"Why not?? I can provide for the both of us without you"

"No hon, let's fix us-" I cut him off when he was about to go near me.

"Stop fucking calling me that!!" I shouted and he stopped. I got my glass with milk and walked towards him.

"You can't fix anything. You destroyed us the moment you cheated on me." I said and walked past him going to my room.

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