Chapter 6

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I was awoken by a phone call. I looked at my phone, it's 3 in the morning, who in the hell will call me?

"Yoboseyo?" I said I was half asleep.

(Y/n? I'm sorry for waking you up but can you please open the door and the gate? Yoongi hyung is wasted and we've been here for almost an hour. Your house maids can't hear us.) I heard Namjoon on the other line.

"What? Wait, I'll go down." I sat and waited for my vision to be clear before standing up.

(Be careful on the stairs y/n) I heard Jin on the other line.

"Yes, I am" when I got to the front door I dropped the call and went outside. I opened the gate and was surprised to see a wasted Yoongi that was being dragged by Jin and Namjoon.

"Come in oppa" I said and opened it widely for them, they brought Yoongi to his room and laid him on the bed.

"We'll get going, my head hurts like hell" Jin said.

"What happened to him? He has high tolerance. Is this not uh... common?" I said as I walked with them going downstairs.

"He drank 2 bottles of whiskey, on his own." Namjoon said.


"We don't know, maybe he just wants to be wasted. We were also shocked when we saw him pass out."

"Be careful driving oppa. Take care."

"Lock your gate and your doors and be careful on the stairs." Jin said.

"Bye." I said and locked the gate. I also double locked our front door.

I was about to enter my room when I saw a glimpse of him, he was lying on his stomach, I went inside our old room and came to him, he's totally wasted, I just noticed he look so tired, he has not-so-dark under eyes, his cheekbone were showing and he just looks tired.

fixed his sleeping position and made him lay on his back, I took off his shoes and socks. I went to the bathroom to get a pail and a towel with lukewarm water to clean him up. I was about to remove his necktie when he held my hand, not so hard but his grip was firm.

"No! Don't touch me.... I don't care who you are... I'm married" he said, trying to open his eyes. I was shocked with the things he said. I removed his grip and continued to remove his necktie.

"No... No.. I'm married, get away. I've hurted-... my wife-... so much.... Get away" he was literally trying his best to shove me away but he was out of strength to even get up.

I felt a tear fall on my eyes, the things coming from his lips, it's getting to my heart. I wiped my tears and tried opening his polo, when I saw his tears falling from his closed eyes, I wiped it.

"No... stop... my wife.... I don't want to hurt her again please," he said pleading, I also broke down into tears hearing those. I calm myself before talking.

"It's me, don't worry." I said and held his hand.

"Hon? .... My love I'm sorry..." he said, he tried getting up but he couldn't because he was weak and drunk. He was slowly drifting to sleep, luckily, I was able to clean him up. I removed his pants and polo shirt, I also changed his inner shirt since it smelled of alcohol.

I tucked him in and fixed the things I used and went out of his room. I just hope he won't remember anything tomorrow.

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