Chapter 7

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It's been 2 weeks after what happen and I just can't get it off my mind. I was thinking hard of what I should do, the thought of that girl was still clear in my mind but seeing him crying for me without even knowing it was me, it breaks me more.

I tried not to cross paths with him so the past week I completed the week in the office, and now it's a sunday and it's both our day off that's why I spend my time only here inside my room. I was here in the bath tub for some time, I was thinking of things. I was kind off getting sleepy and then...

Yoongi's POV

I came down to have lunch when I saw the table with food but no one sitting there, it looks like no one ate yet but the food is not that hot so it was prepared for some time now.

"Ajuma, have you already eaten?"

"Aniyo, I was waiting for ma'am y/n, she told me she'll just take a quick bath before eating so i prepared it already but she didn't come down."

"I'll check on her." I said. I went upstairs and knocked on her door.

"Ho-... y/n? Are you there? The food is already prepared, it's getting cold." I said. But I didn't hear anything in the room so I opened her door, it was unlocked. I came inside and it was empty, I headed to her bathroom.

"Y/n are you-... FUCK NO NO NO!" I shouted, I ran towards the bathtub and got her head, she was unconscious, my tears flowed, I picked her body and laid it on the floor, I started pumping her chest.

"NO BABY YOU CAN'T HON!!" I blew air through her mouth but there was no response, I pumped her chest again.

"HON WAKE UP PLEASE PLEASE!" My tears are falling and I can't see properly but I blew air again in her mouth, and kept on pumping her chest after.

"PLEASE WAKE UP!!" I was pumping her chest when she coughed water and I was fucking relieved, I held her to sat and hugged her in my arms.

"Hon hate on me for the rest of your life, even if it hurts I'll bear it, Don't talk to me if you don't want to, curse me to death but please don't take your life away. I love you so much, don't please, please our baby," I was crying while saying this, I don't even know what to feel. I was just scared to death when I saw her whole body underwater and I lost my mind there.

"I was not trying to kill myself, I... I fell asleep." she said almost a whisper in my ear.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I said while still crying.

Y/n's POV

I opened my eyes and coughed, my eyes were blurry and I felt like I was chasing my breath when a hand pulled me to sit and hug me immediately. He was trembling while crying and sobbing. When I felt my breathing was steady I talked.

"I was not trying to kill myself, I.... I fell asleep." I said, it was the truth, my pregnancy hormones hit me while I was in the bathtub.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" He was still crying and trembling, he really thought I was dead, maybe he was scared when he saw me. I got out of his hug and looked at his eyes, his eyes were still full of tears, I wiped it with my thumb.

"I'm alive, stop crying" I said. I waited for him to calm down and then he carried me to my room, and laid me to my bed.

"Do you want me to help you?" he asked when he handed me a towel.

"I can manage.... Thank you." I said while drying myself with the towel, I was naked in front of him and I could feel him looking at me, specifically my bump.

"I didn't know it was that big now. You're only 5 months right? Why is it that big already," he said. I was surprised he knew.

"Uh I don't know, maybe because it's healthy?" I said. He was still looking and realized he had to go down.

"The food is ready, are you going to eat?"

"Ah yeah, i'll just get dressed." he went outside and I got up to get clothes and came down. I saw him there looking like waiting for me.

"Can I eat with you? Ajuma said you don't want to eat alone, so they went to the market to buy groceries."

"It's fine." I said and sat in front of him and started eating. We were silently eating, it's been awhile since I ate with him at our dining table.

I can feel him simply looking at me but I don't mind. After eating, he said he'll wash the dishes so I got up and went to my room. As soon as I lay in bed I drifted off to sleep... ugh pregnancy hormones fuck you!

I woke up and it's already morning what the fuck? I slept by 2pm and it's now 9am, I was asleep for 19 hours straight? I sat up and looked at my phone.

I have a doctor's appointment today, by 11am. I stood up and found I didn't have breakfast on the table, I just asked ajuma to make it downstairs.

"Ajuma, please make me breakfast the usual please" I said smiling.

"Usual? You mean bacon and hotdog?"

"Anii, my favorite? The egg omelette pancake?"

"Ma'am I don't know how to make that," she said.

"But you always put my breakfast on the table in my room?"

"Huh?" she looked so puzzled with the things I'm saying.

"Maybe it's Sir Yoongi, I always hear him cooking but he still eats the breakfast I prepare." I also thought about that, and I didn't realize I smiled. I smiled because of that name. Oh my gosh, it's been awhile.

"Okay." I came back to my room and sat, I was thinking of things and deciding. I was just preparing for my appointment when I thought of bringing him with me. Is he busy?

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