Chapter 11

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Y/n's POV

I woke up because of the bright light, I slowly opened my eyes, I waited when my eyes adjusted to the light and tried moving , when I noticed a hand holding mine.

I looked down and saw the most handsome man in my life. I smiled and appreciated his facial features before trying to wake him up.

"Huh" he stretched his body and looked at me.

"Hon! What are you feeling? Does it hurt?" He held my hand again.

"I'm fine, I'll get better soon hon." I smiled at him.

"I'll get you water? You want a cold one? Or milk?"

"Milk please, cold one." I answered, he went to the mini ref and got me some milk.

"Hon? Baby?" When I noticed there's no stroller where my baby is supposed to be.

"He's at the nursery hon don't worry, the nurse told us that she'll bring him today morning, he just needs to spend the night in the nursery since they need to observe his body temperature and other stuff," He said.

"Did you already see him?" I asked him, and he shook his head.

"I want you to see him first before me, you carried him for 9 months." A soft knock was heard in the room, and Jin who just woke up opened the door.

Jin, Namjoon and Hobi were here. They spent the night here based on the sofa beds that's on the other side of the room. The nurse came in holding a little human. My eyes started to water when I saw him, my baby. The nurse carefully gave me my baby and I was near breaking down. The nurse left.

"Hi my love." I said caressing his warm cheek, oh he looks so much like Yoongi. I hugged him not so tight but still tight. All the pain and suffering, I forgot about it all. I looked at Yoongi who's looking at us. I tapped my side and he sat beside me.

"I carried him for 9 months but he still ended up looking exactly like you." I scolded him lightly, he smiled, a proud one.

"Can I?" I carefully handed him our baby, and I saw tears rolling down his cheek so I wiped it so it wouldn't fall on our baby's face.

"Hi little guy, I'm your dada," he smiled. There's no trace of that cold person or even the cold aura of the famous Min Yoongi. He was a father in front of me, I smiled. I love My family so much.

The three boys came on our side, curious about the baby. I saw them smiling when they saw our baby. I'm looking forward to how these uncles will treat our baby.

"Ya lil Yoongi!" Hobi exclaimed and we laughed at that.

"I think I saw my baby photo in 3D," Yoongi said.

My parents came and so did the other 3 guys, Jimin, V, and JK. All of them were here in my room talking, laughing and just happy about the new blessing God gave.

I can't hide the fact that I'm so happy my heart can't handle it. I was just watching them play with my baby when someone sat beside me.

"Hon" he said and gave me a peck in the lips, I smiled.

"What do you want to name him?" he asked.

"I want his name to be similar to yours hon." I told him.

"Min Yoon Ki?" he asked.

"Min Yoon Ki." I smiled and leaned for a kiss, I felt him smile and pulled away.

He hugged me on my side and we both watched those people in our room. If this will be the outcome of all the pain, tears, blood and struggles we experienced, even if we turn back time I'll still face those painful memories just to be with this exact ending. Well, it's not an ending since My baby, Yoonki, is a new beginning for me and Yoongi. 

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