Chapter 9

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After that day, we became better. We talked whenever we saw each other at home, he always told me before he went to work or left a note at my door but I was still at my room, he didn't ask me about it, maybe giving me the decision for everything.

It was 6am in the morning and i'm just laying in my bed. I woke up by 5am because of a bad dream. When I saw him entering my room with a tray, he was shocked looking at me. He was already wearing his office suit, so he put the breakfast on the table.

"Ahm... ajuma told me to bring this."

"Don't lie, I know you prepared that." I told him.

"Uh hehe.." he was holding his nape. I sat on my bed and tapped the side, questioning him to sit and then he sat.

"Is there a problem?" he asked. Looking worried, I didn't know that dream broke me apart. I sat properly and removed the blanket from my legs so my feet will be at the edge of the bed.

"I... ahm... i had.. a nightmare" I was looking at my hands.

"What nightmare? You can tell me anything." he said and touched my chin.

Yoongi's POV

I touched my wife's chin so she could look at me while she talked. When I saw her eyes, it was full of tears. I felt a pang of pain when I saw that.

"In my dream..." she was biting her lips, trying hard not to cry.

"In my dream... you left.. And I... I was left... alone" and she broke down. I saw how all her tears fell to her cheek then to her chin, she was sobbing hard.

"Shhh it's just a dream okay? I won't leave. I won't go anywhere, I'm just here." I told her and hold her hand. I wiped her tears, and I saw her looked at me.

"Hug?" I stopped for a second then I picked her up and laid her in my lap so I could hug her without hurting her tummy. As soon as she sat on my lap, she hugged me immediately and put her head on my neck. Oh Lord! I miss these so much. I hugged her waist and held her head.

"I miss you hon" and there I cried, this was too much.

"God knows how much I miss you hon" I hugged her tighter. We stayed in that position for a couple of minutes and I can stay here the whole day with her.

"Oh you have work" she said and took her hand off my neck.

"No no, I'm not going to the office. I'm not leaving you today. I'm not breaking this hug." I told her and hugged her tighter. I heard her laugh a little so I looked at her.

"Is that alright? You're not going to the office?"

"Of course." When I answered she snuggled back to hug me. I love this woman so much.

"Are you already okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah but I want to stay here." she said while in my neck, I can feel her sniffing my scent. I removed my suit and shoes so I can move properly.

"We can stay here for the rest of the day hon" I said and kissed her head.

"Am I heavy?" she asked.

"No, I was actually expecting you to get heavy since you're carrying our baby but it's like you just increased by a pound or so" She sat properly and looked at me, that gaze, I know what that means, she wants to talk.

"Let's talk about.. That." she said, I nodded.

"Ask anything I'll answer with full honesty."

"Why? I mean what did you find in her that made you do things like that?" I looked at her eyes, I couldn't read what she was feeling.

"She's... she's similar to you. Your likes and dislikes and such. I got so fond of her that she was similar to you and that happened."

"What did you do to her after that?"

"I never saw her again, I fired her that day"

"And you replaced all of your workers on your floor with men? And females are not allowed?"

"Ah yeah hehe but I didn't replace my attendants, I just moved them to other floors."


"Do you want to eat or do you want to sleep some more? It's still early."

"Sleep here." I smiled, Lord I promise I'll be a better husband and father. Thank you for giving me my y/n back. This is my clingy wife that I love so much.

"Let's lay down so it's more comfortable?"

"No" he shook her head that's still on my neck.


"I can't hug you if we lay down, baby is big already." she said.

"I'll sit in the middle of the bed and lean on the pillows but you'll still sleep on my lap? Okay?" she looked at me first before nodding. She stood up and I moved to the middle of the bed. I saw her crawl to me and sat when I was already leaning on the pillows and the headboard. She snuggled and put my arms around her, my clingy baby.

"Go sleep hon, I'll be here when you wake up." I felt her nod, I was caressing her bump.

"I love you," I heard her whisper.

"I love you so much more." I leaned and kissed her head.

Still You | Yoongi FF [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now