Chapter 5

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I sat up on my bed and drank my milk when a tear fell, followed by another and another. I cried, I was still not over it. I calmed myself down and wiped my tears away.

"Baby I'm sorry, mom's crying again. I hope you are okay there" I said to my baby. 

After that incident, we didn't crossed paths again in the house but everyday I get a fucking rose with some shit notes such as "I'm Sorry, I love you" or "I'll win you back again" good luck with that. 

Time passed just like that, I can see him still trying to win me back but it doesn't affect me. I'm in my 4th month now and I already have a baby bump. 

I fixed my schedule when I got into my second trimester. I only go to the office for 4 days so that I get to rest properly. And today is one of my days off. I was just watching TV the whole day. 

The movie marathon alone is not boring. I was watching Spongebob when I heard the gates open, he's home. I just continued watching, not minding that person and when he came inside I didn't even look at him but I know he's looking at me. 

I browsed my phone when I got bored watching and I saw a video of a guy making a pancake egg omelette and now I'm craving it. I went to the kitchen and got the recipes, I followed the video and all the steps.

"Ya why do you look awful?? I followed the instructions right." I was mad, I didn't got the right product from the vid, I was so fucking mad.

"Ahjuma help me with this please" I called her.

"Yes ma'am?"

"I can't make an egg omelette pancake, I want it," I said.

"Oh I thought you wanted bacon for dinner?" She asked and then I remembered, I told her I want bacon.

"Oh yeah right, this will do, Let's eat." I ate with her and the other maid. 

I was fine eating alone before but when I got pregnant, I didn't want to eat alone. When I finished I went up to my room and went to the bathroom, I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I was preparing to sleep. I sat on my bed and read a book, I didn't notice I drifted off to sleep.

My eyes are closed but I can hear someone moving me, but I still kept my eyes closed.

"Why do you always fall asleep while reading? Hays you'll get cold if I don't tuck you in hon" I heard, I slightly opened my eyes to see the person fixing me. 

He was focused on fixing the things and did not notice I was awake. He increased the temperature so it is not that cold inside my room, he then made sure to tuck me in again and kissed my forehead, I flinched. I'm lucky he assumed I just flinched while sleeping, he softly fixed my hair and caressed my cheek.

"Good night my love" he said and walked out of the room then closed the light. 

So it was him, that's why I always woke up without my things on the bed even if I can't remember putting my book and glasses down. That's…. That's kinda nice. I didn't want to think about it, and I just pushed myself to sleep.

I was woken up by the bright sun shining through my window, I got up and went to the bathroom to prepare myself. 

I saw the breakfast on my table near the door. It looked like ajuma learned how to cook an egg omelette for me. I ate my breakfast and took a bath afterwards. I have work today. This was my life everyday , I’ll eat breakfast that Ajuma made and it's been 3 weeks since I came up with this routine.

I was driving on my way to my office. It didn’t take me long to get to my office, I handed my car keys to the chauffeur when I arrived. 

I was wearing a flowy blue dress, I stopped wearing pants and jeans when my baby bump started to show as it made me uncomfortable. 

I was at my desk when I noticed it was the end of the month and I needed to give the monthly status to him since both of our companies are now connected to each other. He was the biggest investor in my company and I was the biggest investor for him. I decided I’ll just send him through email, I don’t want to drive there just to give him papers. 

I came home to a lot of cars parked outside our house, looks like the boys are all here. I came inside and I was right, even if I don’t talk to him, I still talk to them and they give me a lot of food and sometimes they’re the one buying my cravings.

“Your home.” Namjoon smiled at me. And they all turned to me.

“Hi” I said and kinda smiled at them.

“The baby bump is growing!! I’m so excited," Jimin exclaimed.

“Are you saying I’m fat?” I raised an eyebrow at him and he froze but I laughed.

“Kidding.” I said smiling.

“Ya I thought you’re really mad.” he said, holding his chest. I smiled

“I missed seeing that smile,” Hobi said.

“Miss my beautiful smile?”

“Yes” they all said and we laughed in unison.

“By the way, why are you all here?”

“Ah we’re waiting for hyung, he’s changing upstairs, we’ll be going to our former choreographer’s birthday, Song duk hyung, remember him?” JK said.

“Oh of course, I’ll go upstairs, I want to sleep so bad.” I waved goodbye to them and went upstairs, I met him on the edge of the stairs.

“Uhm…. I… we’re going to Song Duk’s birthday, if you want to know. If anything happens, call me and I'll go straight home."

“It’s fine, go. They’re waiting.” I told him and walked into my room.

I lay in my bed for a few minutes and decided to change my clothes before sleeping. Ugh pregnancy hormones, i don’t want to sleep but I am so sleepy. After changing into my pajamas and washing my face I lay and fell asleep.

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