Two matches meet...

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"How did the meeting go, captain?" The AI asked the captain. Before he could answer, Jessica, his niece, answered for him.

"As expected, Gideon."

"So we are proceeding as scheduled then?"

"Yes Gideon," the captain answered. "Set a course for Star City. The year 2016."

"Right away captain."

"Rip, let me take the jump ship to get Sara in Tibet. I have history with her. She knows me and trusts me." Jessica had joined the league of assassins to gain Sara's trust. It went a little too well. The two ended up dating. Needless to say it was one of the messier break ups. And by messy I mean Jessica left her a note saying that it was over and that she had already left.

"Fine, but be careful." he said, handing her a gun and a flash gun.


Tibet, 2016

Jessica walked into a bar and saw Sara sitting alone downing shots. She walked up to her and sat across from her. It took the assassin a minute to register who it was.

"Jes, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Sorry Sara." she said before pulling the trigger on her flash gun, knocking the former vigilante out.


Central City 2016

The eight recruits started to wake on a roof in Central City.

"Stein, what the hell are you doing here?" The cold hearted criminal asked the professor.

"I'm as ignorant as you. For once." he responded.

"What happened?" Sara asked cluelessly.

"Why don't you ask the dude that knocked us out and kidnapped us. British dude with a flashy thing. Ring any bells?"

"I got knocked out by my ex-girlfriend." Sara said. Jessica walked over and saw that they were awake and called her uncle over.

"Rip, they're awake."

"Jes what the hell is going on?" Sara asked as she approached Jessica.

"Better let him explain that." Jessica said, indicating to her uncle.

"Who is that?"

"The name's Rip Hunter. That's Jessica Hunter. We're from East London. Oh, and the future."

"Nice to meet you two." Mick said, reaching for his heat gun.

"Oh, while you were incapacitated I may have had Jessica tamper with your weapons."

"We've assembled you all because we need your help. The future of the world is in peril because of a man by the name of Vandal Savage." Jessica continued.

"That can't be. We destroyed him." Carter informed them.

"Yeah, Green Arrow and Flash helped us do it." Kendra added.

"Therein lay the problem. Unless yourself or Mr. Hall deliver the death blow Savage can be restored from but a single cell." Rip added.

"The hell are you talking about?" Mick grunted.

"Savage is immortal. Kendra and I reincarnate." Carter explained.

"Yeah, I've done that." Sara added, not taking her gaze off of the younger Hunter.

"What the hell does this Randall guy have to do with us?" MIck asked, frustrated.

"Vandal." Jessica corrected. "In the future he will employ the evil he has perfected over his long life and the power he has amassed throughout history to finally conquer the world. We have been tasked with assembling an elite team to stop him."

"How?" Ray asked.

"To travel through time to capture Savage before he turns into the monster he becomes." Rip answered.

"You've got the wrong guy. Hero ain't on my resume." Leonard said snarkily.

"Or mine." Mick added before he and Snart started to walk away.

"I know it's difficult to fathom, but where-when we come from, you and everyone on this roof aren't just considered heroes, you're legends."

"I-uh, I hate to nitpick, but doesn't legend have to be dead?" The professor asked.

"Yeah, that's kind of a deal breaker for me so-" Jax added.

"Rip, I thought you said the professor was the smart one. It's 150 years in the future. You would have already been dead. Oh, and also if you don't come with us, this is your world 150 years from now." Jessica pressed a button and an image was projection of Central City in 2166. There was not a building in sight and the only sound that could be heard was the screaming of women, children, and men alike.

"If your answer is yes, meet us at this address in 36 hours." he handed Stein a piece of paper, then walked away with his niece. 


First part of The Flame is out! This is one of my favorite stories that I'm writing right now, so I hope you enjoy!

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