Escape from Nanda Parbat...

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"I imagine you have some questions about what you witnessed." Rip spoke to Ra's Al Ghul.

"When the women you call Sara Lance and Jessica Hunter first arrived here, their skills were unmatched. It was as if they had completed training once before. I suppose that's because they're both from the future." I took a step forward to address Ra's.

"When we came to the doorstep for the second time in our lives, we thought that we could find a home here, that this is where we really belonged." He didn't let me finish.

"But both of your souls are divided by your ability to kill and your desire to show mercy." I nodded in response. "And there is no place for two so conflicted within the league. Ta-er-al-Sahfer, Al Asad, I release you." I looked down in shame and relief. Shame because that is the worst thing that can happen within the league. Relief that we were finally free. "You can reclaim your previous names and your past lives."

"Thank you." We both thanked him. We started to walk away, but Sara turned back around.

"In October, 2008, please see that your daughter is off the coast of an island in the North China Sea- Lian Yu."

"Why would I send Talia on such a journey?"

"Not Talia." I approached him again. "Your daughter yet to be born. I'm pretty sure you'll call her Nyssa." I said, remembering the heir to the demon who brought Sara to Nanda Parbat.


"You think this is over?" We had locked Mick up in the brig and he had just come to a few minutes ago. "I will kill every single one of you. I will watch you all burn. You." He turned to Snart. "You should've killed me when you had the ch-" I turned off the sound for the brig, silencing Mick.

"You owe us an explanation." We all turned to Snart.

"Yes, it's quite remarkable that Mr. Rory is working with the time masters, seeing as you killed him." Stein confronted the thief.

"If you think back, I never actually said I killed him." Snart defended himself.

"No, you just let us think you did." Jax justified.

"I didn't have to try too hard did I?" Snart snapped back. "Well, maybe I should have. At least he wouldn't have wound up a chew toy for the time masters."

"But if you did we wouldn't have this opportunity." I reminded him.

"An opportunity? To do what?" Ray asked.

I looked behind me into the brig cell. "To reform Mr. Rory."

"He killed Aldus!" Kendra yelled at me.

"Under the influence of the time masters." Rip defended me.

"Chronos killed Aldus." I told them. "Mr. Rory was fighting on our side that day."

"I know what it's like to be trained by an organization for one purpose, to kill, and the kind of loyalty that can inspire. I need to know that we can reach Rory. For my sake." Sara sided with Rip and I.

"The time masters took one of our own and turned him against us. I say we undo their handiwork." Stein agreed with us.

"Rory saved my life back in the gulag. He's more than just a criminal and an arsonist." Ray said.

"He's a member of our team." Jax agreed.

"He's a lost cause." Snart disagreed.

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that." I told him. "You will see that miracles abound on this old timeship."


"Gideon, start the regeneration process." I instructed the AI and I placed Snart's arm underneath the scanner. He had frozen his hand off in his escape, so it was time to grow him a new one.

"What do you mean regeneration?" He asked.

"Rip and I took genetic samples from each of you at the start of our voyage for this exact eventuality."

"Why am I only hearing about this now?"

"Because none of you have lost a limb yet." I defended myself. We watched as the process started and Gideon made Snart a new hand. Once it was done, he picked his arm up and played with his hand.


"Hey, Rip called for us on the bridge. You coming?" Sara asked as she passed by my room.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute." She walked away and I pulled out the ring I hid at the sound of her voice. It was my mother's. She had given it to me for when I had found the right one. And that's what Sara was.


"I believe we're ready to leave 1960." Rip said as Kendra and Ray walked into the bridge with Ray's arm around Kendra's neck.

"And go where? I mean when." Sara corrected herself.

"Let me say right now that I am 100% percent against what Rip's about to say." I told them. "Just putting that out there for when I get to say I told you so." I sent a sarcastic smile Rip's way.

"2147." Rip said, answering Sara's question.

"Mere decades before Savage conquers the world and only five years before my parents die." I lightly banged my head against the wall behind me.

"I thought you had no idea where he was." Snart confronted us.

"You said Savage had been lost to history." Stein pointed out.

"Not world changing history." I explained to them. "Records of the period are scarce, but we've always known that Savage could be located in 2147.

"So why haven't you told us this sooner?" Jax asked, annoyed.

"Because that period of history is fraught with more peril than we were willing to risk." Sara put a comforting arm on my shoulder, already knowing why I hated it there.

"We have no choice but to stop Savage in 2147 or to die trying." Rip said slowly.

"Well, I've died before." Kendra reminded us.

"So have I." Sara stood up.

"Gideon," I stood up. "Plot a course for the Kasnia Conglomerate." I instructed her.


Ooooh... Totally not going to forget about the ring. Jes is thinking of something big! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

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