Nanda Parbat...

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Nanda Parbat, 1960...

Two years ago. That's how long it's been since I've seen Ray and Kendra. Or any of the legends other than Sara. We were both accepted into the league once Ra's saw our abilities. I missed Rip, but I felt myself experience what is called time drift. I've lost all connection to 2012 and 2166. I could see it in Sara as well. Both of us have become more callus, more cut throat, more of a killer. And we loved every second of it. Right now, swords clinked together with every grunt becoming more heavy. This is what sparring was in the league. You fell, you died unless Ra's Al Ghul says otherwise. I was an inch away from slicing his throat when Ra's Al Ghul summoned to stop.

"Muealaq." His voice commanded. Sara and I each drew our swords back. "Ta-er-al-Sahfar, Al-asad." We each pulled off our masks. "I can see that the herbs and meditation are working. Your thirst to kill no longer clouds your judgement. Proceed." He told the rest of the assassins who continued. He held his hand out for us to approach. We obeyed, and started to bend our knee when he ordered us to stop. "Stand up." He instructed. "I've enjoyed watching you both train. I have never seen two pupils advance so quickly."

"We've had time to learn who we are, and what it is we're meant to do." I spoke for Sara and myself.

"We will watch these two closely, Talia." He told his young daughter, Talia Al Ghul, heir to the demon. For now. "There is much you can learn from them."


"Sara, Jes." I heard a voice. I immediately woke up and pressed a knife to the intruder's neck. My eyes widened in realization.

"It's me."

"Rip?" Sara asked.

"I'm here to bring you back." I lowered the knife from his neck and Sara and I both sat up. "I'm so sorry that it's taken me this long."

"Who else is here?" I asked as I stood up.

"The entire team. Well, except for Mr. Snart. I'll explain everything on the way back to the-" I spun him onto the floor and reapplied the knife to his neck.

"Aldukhala'i. Ahmuu Ra's Al Ghul." I yelled.


The assassins parted for us as we walked towards our former team.

"Sara, Jes."

"Found them." Rip told them.

"Abq hadhayn munfasil ayn." I told them while pointed at Martin and Jax. Meantime, Sara walked up to Ray and took the A.T.O.M. suit out of his pocket.

"Naqil." I ordered. They drew back their arrows, but stayed guarded around the group.


"Sara, Jes, what the hell?" Jax asked as we shackled everyone to the wall.

"You shouldn't have come here." I walked by each and every one of them, looking them each in the eye.

"Yeah, I'm starting to get that." Ray said sarcastically.

"We came here to rescue you." Kendra said, resulting in me and Sara to let out a small chuckle.

"We don't need to be rescued."

"We have found peace here." She told them.

"Peace with the league of assassins? That must be the first time that sentence has ever been muttered." Rip said, annoyed with what was going on.

"Oh, I can't believe I'm back here." I sensed the fear in Ray's voice.

"If this is retribution of some kind for stranding you in 1958," Sara and I cut Stein off.

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