The mistake...

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"And we've arrived." Rip told us as we touched down in Norway. "Gideon, if you wouldn't mind camouflaging us as an alpine meadow, perhaps." Mick looked distraught and his partner started talking to him.

"What are you complaining about now? It's not like we time jumped." He asked the pyromaniac.

"I hate flying. Especially in whatever this thing is." he responded to kleptomaniac.

"Where are we?" Carter asked.

"We're still in 1975, right?" Kendra added.

"Indeed. October 1975 on the fjords of northern Norway." I told them.

"Sounds like a vacation." Snart responded as everyone got up.

"Which we can take as soon as the threat of Savage has been neutralized." Rip responded. He made his way to the parlour and held up a tiny notebook.

"That's Aldus' notebook." Carter commented.

"Now he theorized that Savage might be here, and if he's right, and if we can capture Savage at least Professor Boardman didn't die in vain."

"Can't we just go back and save Aldus?"

"He was our son."

"Look, we're sorry." I said on behalf of myself and Rip, "We can't go back and change events in which we participated. Time would fold in on itself, creating a temporal vortex." I explained to them.

"Which sounds way cooler than it actually is." Ray added.

"Forgetting physics for a second, shouldn't we find out what Savage is doing in Norway?" Sara asked, her crisp blue eyes on me.

"According to Gideon, there is a large meeting of terrorists and fringe groups looking to buy illegal arms." Rip told them, looking at Aldus' notebook.

"Now that sounds like a vacation." Mick grumbled, still in his chair.

"Arms dealers and terrorists aren't exactly our kind of people, but they're the next best thing." Snart added, leaning over the computer and making eyes at Sara. I tensed up, as Sara broke eye contact with me and started looking back at Snart. I still loved her. But I had to focus on the mission. Sara later. Focus on saving Jonas and Miranda. My family. But, if I tried, Sara could be my family. I snapped out of my thoughts and focused back into the conversation.

"Well, looks like you and your lapdog get to earn your keep." Carter said from next to Mick who immediately got out of his seat.

"I ain't nobody's lap dog, birdman." He said, getting in Carter's face.

"So what does one wear to a black market arms bazaar anyways?" Kendra asked, trying to defuse the tension.

"The waverider has a fabrication room which can fashion temporally indigenous-well fashion." I told them.

"You got a room that makes clothing?" Jax asked.

"Doesn't everyone."


I had decided to stay back on the ship to "keep track of Savage". In reality I was just avoiding Sara. Sara and Snart. It's always going to be them. I knew it was too risky to look at Sara's future, and I was nervous myself to see if I was in it. And then, I finally built up my courage to ask Gideon.

"Gideon, I-" I paused when I saw Rip enter the parlour. "Rip, what happened? I thought you were going with everyone else."

"They don't trust us! I mean why would they go out there by themselves when they have future knowledge in front of them?" He asked infuriated.

"In my defense, I did say we should have told them."

"You only said that so Sara would trust you again and you could get back into her pants!" I paused. I looked at him with pain in my eyes. I was about to respond when Gideon interrupted us.

"Pardon me, captains, but there has been a massive historical disturbance. At the bazaar, all the legends have shown off their powers along with Mr. Palmer leaving part of the A.T.O.M. suit there. Savage used the technology to take over the United States in 2016."

"This is your fault." I told him. To be honest I would have said anything to piss him off. He deserved it.


The rest of the time waiting for the team was spent in silence. I couldn't even look him in the eye. By the time the team got back to the waverider, me and Rip were both livid with anger.

"You let your ego endanger the entire mission." Carter told Stein.

"No, Mr. Rory's temper got completely out of control-"

"I thought we were friends, professor."

"At least there's one less nuclear bomb on the planet." Kendra pointed out. Me and Rip both got out of our seats.

"Here, here. Now, you all deserve a hearty congratulations." Rip started.

"Not only did you fail to capture Savage, you exposed yourselves and your powers to him, giving away the element of surprise for now and all of time." I added angrily. "Well done team." I finished sarcastically.

"We don't need the element of surprise." Carter debated. "We know he's in Norway, so let's find him-"

I cut him off, "Unfortunately, we now have larger problems than Savage." I said, eyeing Ray. "If only you had listened to us about the dangers of disrupting the timeline." I slammed my hands against the computer making everyone, including Rip take a step back.

"What are you talking about?" Kendra asked.

"While you were busy saving Norway from nuclear annihilation-" Rip started before being cut off by Sara.

"You're welcome Norway." I gave Sara an annoyed look before continuing for Rip.

"Savage sent one of his cronies back to the site of the arms sale. Anyone care to guess what he found?" I asked while I turned my head to Ray. He looked down to his suit and saw a missing piece on the left thruster.

"Whoops." He said softly.

"I am unversed in modern American colloquialisms. Is 'whoops' slang for oh-"

"Yes Gideon, Dr. Palmer seems to have thrown a spanner in the works for the entire timeline."

"Come again?" Snart asked me from the corner of the room.

"Armed with Dr. Palmer's future technology, Savage's engineers develop a weapon far more destructive than anything here in 1975. And since this is your fault," I pointed to Rip, "You're going to fix it." I walked off without another word.

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