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They had taken almost everyone. The time masters, I mean. They'd apprehended everyone besides Sara and Snart, who were currently MIA, and Jax, who of course was back in 2016, but I couldn't think about that now. My body was clouded with anger. The body I had sworn an oath to was protecting the bastard that killed my family. I was snapped out of my thoughts when out of nowhere, Stein started coughing.

"Martin, are you okay?" Kendra asked him.

"I'm required to merge with Jefferson...periodically in order to maintain nuclear cohesion." He explained.

"Then sending him away on the jumpship probably wasn't the greatest idea." Mick pointed out.

"Given the circumstances we're under, I'm surprised any of us are alive." Stein admitted.

"Oh, you'll be dead soon." Rory assured him. "You're getting off easy."

"What gives you the free pass?" Ray asked him.

"They have other plans for him as Chronos." I answered, already knowing where Rory was going with this.

"They're gonna try and put me through the induction process again."


"Kills most men, professor. And those that don't die, end up like mindless goats."

"But Snart said you weren't mindless when you were Chronos." Ray pointed out.

"No more than usual." Kendra corrected him.

"The whole time I stayed focused on one thing. The one thing that kept me sane... vengeance. I focused on how much I hated all of you." Just then, a dozen guards came in. "Ah, gentlemen, I missed you!" Mick said sarcastically. They lowered the barriers for Mick and Kendra's cells. "Come on in. Ah, that's it. Go ahead. Break my arm."
"Hey, what are you doing? Why are you taking her?" Ray asked the guards. "Hey!" As they were dragging her away, Kendra hawked out, knocking the guards away from her. Unfortunately, a guard snuck up behind her and shot her. "Kendra! Kendra!" Then, more guards came for Rip and I. We knew better than to fight. We just accepted it.


"Leave us." Druce instructed the guards who obeyed.

"We have a query." Rip admitted to Druce.

"Why haven't we killed you yet?" Druce asked him.

"That's what you've been trying to do all this time." I pointed out.

"Fortunately for the two of you, two of your crew are still at large. Tell me where to find them, and I'll spare the others." Druce proposed.

"If it's anything like the offer you gave us at the USSR, we're sorely tempted."

"You were a fugitive from justice." Druce defended himself.

"You're helping Vandal Savage take over the world." I pointed out. "I have a feeling that our definition of the word justice may differ somewhat."
"The only difference between us is that my view of the timeline reaches further and wider than either of yours."

"Are we supposed to be impressed?" Rip asked him.

"In 2175, less than ten years from when Savage conquers the world, the Earth is attacked by a warlike race of extraterrestrials from the planet Thanagar. Without Savage to unite the world under a singular rule, this is what becomes of the world."It was destroyed. Everything was destroyed.

"This is the work of Savage." I disagreed.

"No. This is what will happen to Earth if Savage is not there to lead it. Without him, all human life is extinguished. Even this realm falls to the Thanagarians. Are you impressed now?"

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